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PDT/Development Environment


Understanding the GIT Structure

If you are unfamiliar with GIT and Gerrit concepts, there is a good list of resources on the eclipse contributing page.

Modules structure

There is one module of the Eclipse PDT project in GIT.

GIT Repository Directories
plugins contains the PDT plug-ins
features contains the PDT features
doc contains the PDT documentation plug-ins and features
tests contains the PDT automated tests plug-ins and features
examples contains the PDT examples

Build tag and branch naming conventions

The structure of the GIT repository is shown below:

PDT SetupDev CVS Structure.png

Checking Out Code as an Anonymous User

An anonymous user has access only to check out files from the GIT repository. This user does not have the privileges to check in files.

Configuring the GIT client to check out files

  • Open the GIT perspective in the Eclipse Workbench by selecting Windows > Open Perspective > GIT.
  • Right click on the GIT Repositories view, and select New > Repository Location...
 Clone URI: git clone
 # or if you're eclipse user and/or PDT committer: git clone ssh:// 

Checking Out Code

If you followed the instructions in the previous section, you should see a new repository entry in the GIT Repositories view.

To check out code, you have two options. Either check out the projects automatically using a Team Project Set File, or manually.

Using Team Project Set File (.psf)

  • Download the PSF file and save it somewhere memorable, like your desktop.
  • Back in Eclipse, switch to the Java perspective.
  • From the File menu or Project Explorer context menu, select Import.
  • Choose Team > Team Project Set, then click Next.
  • Browse for the .psf file you want to use. Click Finish.
  • Each feature & plugin will then be checked out as a project in the workspace.

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