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CDE 2 consumes a subset of the commands used in "scripts" defined by the open source Selenium project.
Supported Commands
- assertTextPresent (pattern)
- assertTitle (pattern)
- click (locator) - button/link
- clickAndWait (locator) - button/link
- check
- echo (message)
- fireEvent (locator, event)
- open (url)
- pause (delay)
- select (selectLocator, optionLocator) - dropdown
- store (variable-name, value)
- storeSelectOptions (selectLocator, variableName)
- type (locator, value) - text box
- uncheck
The Selenium language supports variables of the form "${foo}" that can be evaluated at runtime. Our plan is that CDE2 will evaluate these variables by calling getAttributes() or the getCredentials() method of Org.eclipse.higgins.js.pds.client.