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The RDF CP is a very simple, read-only IdAS Context Provider that can retrieve an RDF document from a URI and expose it as a Higgins Context.


  • Javadoc: Javadoc
  • Status: first code in Higgins B-1-1-M3
  • Language: Java
  • Packaging: OSGI bundle


The RDF CP expects a single configuration setting in its ContextId via the Configuration API: uri

Example configuration using an XML configuration file:

	xsd:schemaLocation=" Configuration.xsd ">
	<!--  The setting handlers are classes that consume Setting elements where the Type matches and generate an object of the Class -->
		<SettingHandler Type="htf:map" Class="java.util.Map" Handler="org.eclipse.higgins.configuration.xml.MapHandler"/>
		<SettingHandler Type="htf:list" Class="java.util.List" Handler="org.eclipse.higgins.configuration.xml.ListHandler"/>
		<SettingHandler Type="xsd:string" Class="java.lang.String" Handler="org.eclipse.higgins.configuration.xml.StringHandler"/>
		<SettingHandler Type="htf:classinstance" Class="java.lang.Object" Handler="org.eclipse.higgins.configuration.xml.ClassInstanceHandler"/>
		<SettingHandler Type="htf:classsingleton" Class="java.lang.Object" Handler="org.eclipse.higgins.configuration.xml.ClassSingletonHandler"/>
		<SettingHandler Type="htf:uri" Class="" Handler="org.eclipse.higgins.configuration.xml.URIHandler"/>
	<Setting Name="DeploymentConfiguration" Type="htf:map">
		<Setting Name="ComponentSettings" Type="htf:map">
			<Setting Name="RDFContextFactory" Type="htf:map" />
			<Setting Name="IdASRegistry" Type="htf:map">
				<Setting Name="ContextFactoryInstancesList" Type="htf:list">
					<Setting Name="RDFContextFactory" Type="htf:map">
						<Setting Name="Instance" Type="htf:string">RDFContextFactory</Setting>
						<Setting Name="ContextTypes" Type="htf:list">
							<Setting Name="ContextType1" Type="htf:string">$context$mime*application*rdf.xml</Setting>
				<Setting Name="ContextIdsList" Type="htf:list">
					<Setting Name="ContextId1" Type="htf:map">
						<Setting Name="ContextId" Type="xsd:string">rdfTestContext</Setting>
						<Setting Name="ContextTypes" Type="htf:list">
							<Setting Name="HigginsContextType" Type="xsd:string">$context$mime*application*rdf.xml</Setting>
						<Setting Name="uris" Type="htf:list">
							<Setting Name="uri1" Type="htf:uri"></Setting>
		<!-- The name of the class that implements the RDF Context Provider -->
		<Setting Name="RDFContextFactory" Type="htf:classinstance">org.eclipse.higgins.idas.cp.rdf.RDFContextFactory</Setting>
		<!-- The name of the class that provides the factory for the class that implements the IdASRegistry -->
		<Setting Name="IdASRegistry" Type="htf:classsingleton">org.eclipse.higgins.idas.registry.IdASRegistry</Setting>


  • The RDF CP does not require authentication materials. It assumes that anyone can retrieve the URI with the RDF data.
  • The RDF CP sends an "Accept: application/rdf+xml" HTTP header when retrieving the RDF data.
  • The RDF CP is suitable for reading RDF data from Hash and 303 Cool URIs.
  • The RDF CP is useful in conjunction with IdAS UDI Resolution, since 303 and Hash Cool URIs are one type of Entity UDI.
  • The recommended Context Type for contexts opened with the RDF CP is $context$mime*application*rdf.xml.

See Also

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