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Orbit Source Bundles In Your Build
Note: This has been updated to describe individual JAR'd source bundles and not the old-style expanded directory source bundles.
Typically source features are being generated as part of the build. To change your build to consume Orbit source bundles, you will need to find the requesting the creation of the source feature (it usually appears in the of the SDK feature including your source feature) and append an entry for each of the source plug-in you are re-consuming from Orbit to the generate@ property. The format of these entry is:
For example, the of the org.eclipse.sdk feature has now the following format
generate.feature@org.eclipse.platform.source = org.eclipse.platform,\ plugin@javax.servlet.source;version=2.4.0.qualifier;unpack="false",\ plugin@javax.servlet.jsp.source;version=2.0.0.qualifier;unpack="false"
Of course, you will also need to update your map files to reflect the location of the Orbit source bundles.