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ORMF team meeting minutes 19 oct 08
< To: ORMF progress reports
- Achim Loerke
- Barbara Rosi-Schwartz
- George Sebastian
Unable to attend
- Joel Rosi-Schwartz
- Vasile Chereches
- Yahya Ozturk (most of the time)
Round robin
Past week:
- Worked on the ORMF website (still incomplete)
- Progressed on my reading of DSL book for the purpose of developing the generalised requirements model
- Created, proposed and managed the Survey on standards, which has already gathered seven participants and a bunch of interest
Next week:
- Complete first version of ORMF website
- Complete essential reading from the DSL book
- Kick start the Survey
Past week:
- Worked on the test strategy document (to be published Mon 20 Oct)
- Obtained invitation to talk about ORMF at the automotive symposium at the ESE
- Decided that I cannot present a poster at the ESE, as the poster session clashes with other appointments I have
Next week:
- Publish the test strategy document
- Create a framework for the functional tests
- Prepare a few examples for Bobby to get started
Past week:
- Worked my way through the published documentation on ORMF
- Downloaded ORMF source code
- Explored other requirements management products and how they place themselves with respect to ORMF
Next week:
- Work on the conversion to Jaxen
- Continue with my familiarisation with ORMF
Proposed OSGi architecture
Achim has not comments regarding the architectural issues as he feels the diagram and document produced by Joel are too high level to offer sufficient insight to comment on. He is happy with the way in which Joel proposes to split the work among team members. He will have a more detailed discussion with Joel about architectural issues next week when Joel is at Bredex.
Achim asks for a clarification regarding the reporting component, namely whether or not it spans beyond publishing. Barbara confirms that the latter is the case, as reporting covers both publishing and various other management related reporting needs. The clients of the component will therefore be both a web browser and the various specialised editor rich client plug-ins.
Jojy feels he cannot yet offer comments on the architecture as he is not yet sufficiently familiar with the whole project. He asks for confirmation that BIRT will be the engine that will be used to provide the reporting component.
Project plan update
Barbara explains what the contents of the plan's update are and the reasons for it: we need an extra iteration of one month after I1 to absorb the results of the requirements standards survey, however the final release timeframe will not change, as we have trimmed down the RC iteration cycles, which were rather inflated). Nobody has comments or disagreements about the update.
Requirements standards survey update
Barbara explains the nice level of interest that the survey has generated and informs that to date there are seven participants. She explains her intention to give a few more days to the curious but undecided few and then to get the ball rolling towards the middle of next week.
Everybody agrees that the survey is a good idea and looks forward to an update at the next team meeting.
New Bugzilla components
Everybody is clear about and happy with the two new components Joel has introduced into Bugzilla, namely releng and devenv.
Jojy asks for a list of all available components in order to ensure that he is signed up to all and Barbara agrees to put out this list to all team members.
Any other business
Jojy is in the process of evaluating a free alternative to GoToMeeting. He will share his results at the next team meeting.