Notice: This Wiki is now read only and edits are no longer possible. Please see: for the plan.
The Eclipse Open Requirements Management Framework (ORMF) intends to extend the Eclipse platform with an open source framework for building Eclipse based tools which facilitate working with structured requirements. Much of the information on the Open Requirements Management Framework (ORMF) is on the project's website.As well as the home of typical Wiki content such as examples and Frequently Asked Questions, our Wiki pages are intended as the primary platform for collaboration on specific project related topics.. |
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Project Information
Project Plan
For timeline, milestones and themes in the ORMF development, please visit the current project plan.
Progress Reports
On average we report progress on work on a weekly basis. All past reports, as well as the occasional tema meetings minutes, may be accessed from the Progress Reports page.
- Requirements Statement (NEW)
- A list of the fundamental requirements that ORMF needs to satisfy.
- Requirements Model
- The first requirements model proposed for ORMF and a review and discussion around it.
- Requirements Model Part Two
- A summary of all points raised during the review of the initial requirements model, with an opportunity for further discussion.
- Requirements Model Part Three (NEW)
- The brand new requirements model for ORMF, which hopefully tackles (and handles :-) all issues that were discovered in the first model.
- Survey of Requirements Management Standards
- The results of the survey of most existing requirements standards and their needs, for the purpose of validating the ORMF requirements model against them.