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A collection of workable OCL statements. If you use a statement not listed below, please enhance this list for the benefit of the community.
- 1 Set Operations
- 2 String Operations
- 3 Class Operations
- 4 Integer to String Conversion
- 5 Showing the names and metaclasses for all named elements in a UML model
- 6 Finding all elements with a given tagged value
- 7 Finding all classifiers with a property named 'foo'
- 8 Finding all classifiers that specialize an arbitrary classifier named 'foo::Bar'
Set Operations
Test for empty collection where 'self' is the class being checked and 'children' is a Set, List or Collection in this class
Test for not empty collection where 'self' is the class being checked and 'children' is a Set, List or Collection in this class
String Operations
Test for String with zero length where 'self' is the class being checked and 'name' is a not nullable String variable in this class > 0
Note from Christian W. Damus: If the 'name' attribute can have a null value, then when it is null, evaluates to OclInvalid, and OclInvalid is not comparable with integers, resulting in OclInvalid again. In checking this constraint, the system will interpret OclInvalid as a failure (boolean false).
Class Operations
Unique text over all instances expressions where 'MyObject' is the Class and 'name' is an String variable in MyObject
Expression 1
Expression 2
MyObject.allInstances()->select(m : MyObject | m <> self and =>isEmpty()
Integer to String Conversion
Definition of toString() operation on OCL's standard Integer data type for less or equal than 6 digits numbers.
For another number of digits wanted add more or less powers of ten.
context Integer def: toString() : String = OrderedSet{1000000, 10000, 1000, 100, 10, 1}->iterate( denominator : Integer; s : String = ''| let numberAsString : String = OrderedSet{ '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9' }->at(self.div(denominator).mod(10) + 1) in if s='' and numberAsString = '0' then s else s.concat(numberAsString) endif )
Showing the names and metaclasses for all named elements in a UML model
The following ECore M2 snippet shows the names of all named elements in a UML model.
self.allOwnedElements() ->select(e | e.oclIsKindOf(NamedElement) and e.oclAsType(NamedElement).name <> null) ->collect(n | n.oclAsType(NamedElement).name.concat(' : ').concat(n.eClass().name))
For instance, for the library sample model, it shows:
Results: 'Writer : Class' 'Mystery : EnumerationLiteral' 'category : Property' 'Biography : EnumerationLiteral' 'books : Property' 'books : Property' 'Book2 : Class' 'author : Property' 'title : Property' 'ScienceFiction : EnumerationLiteral' 'pages : Property' 'BookCategory : Enumeration' 'writers : Property' 'Library : Class' 'name : Property' 'name : Property'
Finding all elements with a given tagged value
The following UML M2 OCL snippet shows all elements with the Ecore::EAttribute::isTransient property set to true.
self.allOwnedElements() ->select(e | e.getValue(e.getAppliedStereotype('Ecore::EAttribute'), 'isTransient') = true)
Finding all classifiers with a property named 'foo'
self.allOwnedElements() ->select(e | e.oclIsKindOf(Classifier)) ->collect(e | e.oclAsType(Classifier)) ->select(c | c.getAllAttributes()->exists(p | = 'foo'))
Finding all classifiers that specialize an arbitrary classifier named 'foo::Bar'
self.allOwnedElements() ->select(e | e.oclIsKindOf(Classifier)) ->collect(e | e.oclAsType(Classifier)) ->select(c | c.general->exists(general | general.qualifiedName = 'foo::Bar'))