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OCL/New and Noteworthy/Mars
< OCL | New and Noteworthy
Eclipse OCL New and Noteworthy items for the Mars 6.0.0 release.
Release Overview
The key plugins supporting the UML-aligned Xtext-based Pivot prototype for OCL 2.5 have been promoted from 'examples' quality to '1.0' plugins. However, the OCL 2.5 submission is not yet stable, so further evolution to '2.0' plugins may be required for Neon.
Milestone 1
- 439940 selectByKind/selectByType analyzed with derived collection type
Code Gen
- 440895 Workspaces may now have spaces in their paths
- 439517 Command line interface added
Milestone 2
- 445697 Changed Xtext internal API accommodated
Milestone 3
- 450196 Complete OCL imports now contribute to the Abstract Syntax model
- 448470 UML Enumeration Literals no longer fail as non-navigable objects
Code Gen
- 448927 Code gen for UML references no longer gives UnsupportedOperationException
- 363208 Tests plugins available in P2 repo
- 445697 Dependency on Xtext common.types package eliminated
- 449520 org.eclipse.ocl.jdt.annotation7 bundle used to avoid version confusion for org.eclipse.jdt.annotation
Milestone 4
- 450950 Duplicate xmi:ids are avoided and bad xmi:ids accumulate as Resource.errors rather than throwing an ISE
- 451724 Problems with NPEs when opening an editor on a model will null elements cured
- 451224 Sample Reflective Editor freeze validating *.oclas models circumvented
- 451369 Sample Reflective Editor freeze validating *.oclas models circumvented
Milestone 5
- 456513 CollectionTypeImpl now has an instanceClass
- 456517 EnumerationLiterals are now qualified after serialization from the Abstract Syntax
- 457202 Errors from unresolved properties now diagnosed
- 457043 Empty comment no longer gives an NPE
- 457203 Errors from unresolved imports/proxies now diagnosed
- 455394 EnumerationLiterals may now be used in expressions
Pivot UML
- 458326 InstanceSpecifications no longer evaluated at M2 as if at M1
- 452621 OCL operation body definitions ignored if there is a Java body.
- 358708 UML2 support is now optional
- 459276 UML profiles no longer contribute to memory leaks
Milestone 6
- 462552 @pre no longer ignored in the Abstract Syntax for arrow operation calls
- 460625 oclAsSet() no longer recurses in the Outline
- 449458 Save AS Abstract Syntax no longer fails with an NPE
- 460682 Constructor parts can be initialized with non-Sequence collections
- 460755 Validation for DataTypes such as EDate no longer fails with an UOE
- 462721 Introduce Map<K,V> to the OCL Standard LIbrary
Pivot UML
- 446007 Complete OCL may now be loaded to complement UML models
Code Generator
- 459225 Recursive operations no longer inlined
- 461645 Extension pivot models can now be CG'ed
- 462310 OCLinEcore no longer has path problems when invoked from the emf.Ecore2Java ANT task
Milestone 7
- 463441 Collection of OclVoid no longer treated as null
- 463877 Serialization of null names no longer causes editor failures
- 464935 Validation warnings are shown again
- 464062 OCLinEcore now supports lower bounds on template parameters
- 438623 Add an Import element to the Pivot model
- 465433 Standard Library packages are now regular merges
- 466332 OclElement and other OCL Standard Library elements now have a URI.
- 450481 Editors use a Worker thread to avoid a UI freeze on start up
- 467315 oclAsType invocation for null now returns invalid
- 462386 round() and other unary operators no longer fail on Float or BigDecimal values
- 418716 OCL-initialized changeable non-volatile features no longer give UOE.
- 467998 Changing NsURI no longer gives stale dangling reference warnings
- 466835 /* Please Wait */ initial text no longer reachable by Undo
- 464927 Multiplicity displayed more comprehensively
- 468130 OCL->Load Document uses a Worker thread to avoid a UI freeze
- 463608 Introduce safe navigation operators
- 467388 Introduce null-free collections
- 418716 OCL-initialized changeable non-volatile features no longer give UOE.
Pivot UML
- 447130 InstanceSpecification validation controllable by stereotype
- 467686 OCLforUML profile introduced
- 467192 DataType behavior controllable by stereotype
- 468846 TemplateParameters may now be used as types
- 468843 ComposedEValidator no longer ignores Ecore validations, CompleteOCLEValidator no longer duplicates OCLinEcore validations
- 468377 Debug Perspective now opens predictably
- 456058 Variables View no longer has ambiguous synthetic variables
- 468876 Stepping LetExp/IteratorExp no longer fails with a hidden CCE
- 468878 Implicit self now lighlights the first character of the subsequent navigation
- 468879 ontainer variable supports eContainer() navigation
Code Generator
- 401881 Generating a Model with OCLinEcore no longer corrupts the in-memory model
- 468444 OCLinEcore operation bodies can co-exist with Java operation bodies
- 468447 Generating a new OCLinEcore no longer gives an ISE first time
- 468996 Saving an Ecore file no longer invalidates an open genmodel editor
- 469111 "initial" rather than "derivation" used for Ptroperty initializers
Pivot UML
- 469251 UML plugin tools no longer report a UMLSTnadaloneSetup.doSetup() problem
- 469559 VariableFinder is now extensible
Eclipse OCL New and Noteworthy items for the Mars 6.0.1 SR1 release.
- 469967 Concurrent editor no longer leads to a stuck /* Please Wait */
- 471785 Problem in imported files no longer shown at local lines
- 473249 Unresolved references due to stale Complete OCL context fixed
- 473632 CollectionRange to a more negative last no longer includes first
- 476438 *.oclas no longer requires explicit registration for standalone usage
Pivot UML
- 470805 Operations are no longer ignored for UML DataTypes
- 472261 Constraints may be specified for Signals
- 472469 UML DataType generals treated as superclasses
- 474085 Stereotypes are no longer ignored in the Xtext OCL Console
- 476662 InstanceSpecification EnumerationLiteral properties no longer malfunction
Code Generation
- 471948 Custom messages are supported again in code generated validations
- 474307 EList returns no longer inhibit Ecore Editor delete commands
Eclipse OCL New and Noteworthy items for the Mars 6.0.2 SR2 release.
- 477283 Complete OCL references to subpackages no longer fail