Notice: This Wiki is now read only and edits are no longer possible. Please see: for the plan.
If you want to test changes to the website before they go live (i.e. before pushing to master), you can push them to the staging branch and they will appear at after about 5 minutes. Note that the staging site may be shutdown without notice.
Testing Locally
If making more extensive changes, you may want to test them locally. Here are the steps:
clone the following git repositories
and use /org.eclipse.mylyn.releng/vagrant/modules/mylyn/files as the working dir
add the following to /org.eclipse.mylyn.releng/vagrant/modules/mylyn/manifests/init.pp
file { "/var/www/mylyn": ensure => directory, # so make this a directory recurse => true, # enable recursive directory management purge => true, # purge all unmanaged junk force => true, # also purge subdirs and links etc. source => "puppet:///modules/mylyn/mylyn", require => Package[$requirements], }
file { "/var/www/": ensure => directory, # so make this a directory recurse => true, # enable recursive directory management purge => true, # purge all unmanaged junk force => true, # also purge subdirs and links etc. source => "puppet:///modules/mylyn/", require => Package[$requirements], }
Now you can use http://localhost:2080/mylyn