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Modeling PMC Meeting, 2006-07-18
From last time, we need to follow up on the proposed structuring. Ed, Kenn and Jean (during ECOOP) have indicated they are in favor.
Other items to discuss:
- Compuware's proposal for M2M
- M2T project formation
- Migration: still need to request newsgroup and bugzilla changes... What else?
- Board/Council meetings topics:
- EclipseCon 2007
- Committer community health
- Build summit
On the call today:
- Ed Merks (in the dark)
- Richard Gronback
- Kenn Hussey
- Fred Plante
- Jean Bezivin
- Sebastien Demathieu
- None!
Discussion points:
- The overall structure as proposed earlier is approved as a starting point for Modeling. [Rich] will work on updating the website to reflect.
- MDT will need a project proposal. [Kenn] as proposed lead will start work on this.
- M2T interested parties (JET and oAW xPand) are discussing a project proposal and other interested parties should contact Marcus and Paul.
- Infrastructure changes need to be completed for modeling (CVS, newsgroup, bugzilla). [Rich] will initiate a thread to discuss the details and timeline for migration.
- Per Foundation request, we all will look at our committer lists to identify inactive committers for revocation of rights, if appropriate.
- Nick and Max should communicate before and after "buildmaster summit" to ensure we're moving toward a consolidated Modeling build infrastructure.
[Rich and Ed] to ping Max and Nick.