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Model2Text using Xpand and QVT for Query
This is a guide on how to configure and exectue an Xpand template which is using QVT for lookup.
Eclipse Galileo. Create a new project with the folder structure defined below (we'll create the files as we trundle along).
What we're aiming for
Starting with a simple model, populating it with some data and then performing a Model2Text transform to create a CSV file.
What your project will look like:
- MyEclipseProject
- model
- First.ecore (main metamodel)
- out (folder for output)
- data.csv (what will be generated)
- templates
- first2csv.xpt (transformation from metamodel to csv)
- test
- MyClass.xmi (an instance of your metamodel data)
- generate.xml (ant script that executes temaplte)
- model
Create First.ecore
Right Click on model->new->other->model Name the top level package First. Edit its properties
Name First Ns Prefix First Ns URI http:///First.ecore
Add a subpackage called Second. Edit its properties
Name Second Ns Prefix First.Second Ns URI http:///First/Second.ecore
Create an EClass in package Second called MyClass. Create two EAttributes both of type EString called: attribute1 and attribute2
The ecore editor should look something like this
- First
- Second
- MyClass
- attribute1 : EString
- attribute2 : EString
- MyClass
- Second
Create MyClass.xmi
Right click on MyClass (in the ecore editor) and select 'Create Dynamic Instance' point it to your test (data) folder and call it MyClass.xmi
The default editor is probably wrong, so close it. Right click on MyClass.xmi and select Open With->'Generic EMF Form Editor'.
Edit My Class's attribute1 and attribute2 and put in some test data. I used First and Second as the data.
Create first2csv.xpt
Right click on templates and select New->Other->xPand Template (GMF-Xpand) Select the templates folder and name it first2csv.xpt.
Paste this text in:
«IMPORT 'http:///First.ecore'» «DEFINE Main FOR First::Second::MyClass -» «attribute1», «attribute2» «ENDDEFINE»
Create generate.xml
Right Click on MyEclipseProject and select New->Other->File and call it generate.xml
Paste this text in:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project name="pmw" default="main" xmlns:zzz=""> <target name="main"> <zzz:template name="first2csv::Main" inputURI="platform:/resource/MyEclipseProject/test/MyClass.xmi#/" templateroot="file:/${basedir}/templates/" outfile="out/data.csv"> <MetamodelRegistry> <Metamodel nsURI="http:///First.ecore" location="platform:/resource/MyEclipseProject/model/First.ecore" /> </MetamodelRegistry> </zzz:template> </target> </project>
Couple of interesting things to note:
- The template name first2csv::Main, first2csv has to match the name of the template we have in our template folder.
- The #/ at the end of the inputURI is no typo, we are specifying where in the data to go.
Validate Xpand Ant tasks are installed
Under Window->Preferences->ANT, have a look at the runtime node in the tasks tab. In the name column you want to see something like
If you don't, you need to get the org.eclipse.gmf.xpand.ant plugin. You can find it included in the GMF Xpand download, just copy this plugin over and launch eclipse.exe -clean to make sure it picks up the plugin.
Generate data.csv
To run this script, right click on generate.xml select Run as 'Ant Build...'. Select the JRE tab and pick 'Run in the same JRE as the workspace'. Click 'Run'.
Refresh your out folder, you should see data.csv with some data
First, Second
Further Reading
- If you don't have it already, you need "eclipse modeling project: A Domain-Specific Language (DSL) Toolkit" book.
- The Amalgam project has some much more sophisticaed templates and models to generate text files: