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< MoDisco
This page lists things people would like to see addressed/fixed in MoDisco.
Model Browser
- Possibility to give parameters to queries executed from the browser
- The concept of "profile" to group a list of Facets and UICustomizations (to be able to apply them at once).
- Refactoring writing facility : to be able to register successive user actions in Model Browser (attributes modifications, drag and drop, ...) and to automatically traduce them in an ATL (or Java) file (in generalizing : an action on an instance will become a rule on the associated metaclass). It is a kind of macro registering mode just as in VBE (Word, Excel, ...).
Discovery Manager
- A wizard to create "Discovery" project (plug-in project, with dependencies to modisco.common.core and to modisco.discoverersmanager)
- A "global" discoverer which automatically detects from a project which resources can be analyzed by available discovers. The result could be displayed in a wizard which allows selecting the discoverers to launch.
- Add a generic parameter to manage an input monitor (IProgressMonitor). Goal is to be able to manage cancel action when a discovery process has been correctly encapsulated into a Job. -> implies to refactor existing discoverers to check cancel flag.
- A parameter to specify the destination of the result
- Provide a MoDisco perspective
An Eclipse component
- a metamodel of an Eclipse project
- a discoverer to create a model out of an Eclipse project
Use cases
- M2M heuristics in existing Java->UML chain for filtering Java classes/interfaces and obtain lightweight UML models from huge Java legacy (criteria : util classes, ihm classes, low references/lines number, ... etc)
- JUnit 3 -> JUnit 4 automated refactoring