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Milestone and Release Builds

This information is out of date. For help with builds connect with the CBI team.

Part of the Incubation Phase is to create regular milestone and release builds on the mirrored and fault-tolerant download server.

The easiest way to do this is to create a publish.xml file in your repository target and then invoke ant. See for Hudson jobs and see org.eclipse.elk.repository/publish.xml for a sample ant script.

More specifically:

  1. Create a branch in your source tree
  2. Copy to your local *.repository/publish.xml. For example: cd org.eclipse.triquetrum.repository;wget
  3. Edit your copy of publish.xml and update
    1. <project name="Eclipse Layout Kernel" basedir="."> to match your project name.
    2. <property name="targetZipFileName" value="" /> to match your project name.
  4. While in the top level directory, test the command: ant -file *.repository/publish.xml -DtargetDir=/tmp/test zipIt copy Adjust *.repository to match your layout. For example: ant -file org.eclipse.triquetrum.repository/publish.xml -DtargetDir=/tmp/test zipIt copy
  5. Update the Hudson job and add as the last step an ant command:
    1. Targets: zipIt copy
    2. Build File: org.eclipse.triquetrum.repository/publisher.xml
    3. Properties: targetDir=/shared/technology/triquetrum/updates/nightly/
      1. See Hudson -> Server Storage for the proper pathname
  6. Add the publish.xml file to the repo, commit the change, create a pull request and accept the pull requests.
  7. Go to the Hudson job, click Build Now and check the results.

See Also

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