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Menu Contributions/Populating a dynamic submenu
In Menu Contributions/Problems View Example we added 2 dynamic menus. You then have to extend the abstract CompoundContributionItem class in your provided class.
<menu id="" label="%ProblemView.GroupBy.label" mnemonic="%ProblemView.GroupBy.mnemonic"> <dynamic class="org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.GroupByItems" id="org.eclipse.ui.views.problems.groupBy.items"/> </menu>
When your menu is populated, you'll have your getContributionItems() method called:
protected IContributionItem[] getContributionItems() { IContributionItem[] list = new IContributionItem[2]; Map parms = new HashMap(); parms.put("groupBy", "Severity"); list[0] = new CommandContributionItem(null, "org.eclipse.ui.views.problems.grouping", parms, null, null, null, "Severity", null, null, CommandContributionItem.STYLE_PUSH); parms = new HashMap(); parms.put("groupBy", "None"); list[1] = new CommandContributionItem(null, "org.eclipse.ui.views.problems.grouping", parms, null, null, null, "None", null, null, CommandContributionItem.STYLE_PUSH); return list; }