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Map EMF type elements
Below you see how the EMF type elements are mapped to JCR type elements. The pseudo source code used to illustrate the concrete mapping. The mapping is implemented as a model to model transformation in the oee.jcrm.conversion plugin using the oAW Xtend expressions language. It is triggered and configured using the oAW workflow engine. The mapping from a concrete Ecore model to node types is declared in the annotations of the Ecore classes.
EMF ECore Element | JCR node type Element | Description |
eClass | nodeType | | | | |
eClass.isInterface | nodeType.isMixin | |
eClass.eSuperTypes | nodeType.declaredSuperTypes | |
eClass.eAttribute | nodeType.propertyDefinition | | | | |
eClass.eAttribute.type | nodeType.propertyDefinition.requiredType | |
EString | String | |
eClass.eReference containment=true | nodeType.childNodeDefinition | | containment=true | | |
eClass.eReference.type containment=true | nodeType.childNodeDefinition.requiredPrimaryTypes | @ToDo Add description how multiple required primary types are handled. |
eClass.eReference.upperBounds=1 | nodeType.childNodeDefinition.(name!="*" && !allowsSameNameSiblings) | |
eClass.eReference.upperBounds=-1 | nodeType.childNodeDefinition.!(name!="*" && !allowsSameNameSiblings) |