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Linz DemoCamp
Johannes Kepler University
TNF Building, Room - T111
Altenberger Strasse 69
A-4040 Linz, Austria, Europe
Date and Time
Wednesday, December 12th, 17:30 to 20:30pm
Sylva Girtelschmid, JKU
If you would like to present at a DemoCamp, please feel free to add your name and topic to the list. Depending on the number of people interested we may have to limit the number of presenters and time of each demo.
- Holger Weissböck, dynaTrace Diagnostics® - a software solution for business critical applications
- Thomas Köckerbauer, JKU - g-Eclipse[1]: access the power of the grid
Who Is Attending
If you plan on attending please add your name to the list below. We'd like to see as many people show up as possible.
- Thomas Köckerbauer, g-Eclipse
- Christof Klausecker, g-Eclipse
- Sylva Girtelschmid, g-Eclipse
- Holger Weissböck, dynaTrace
- Christoph Spielmann,JKU
- Johann Messner, JKU
- Roland Landertshamer, JKU
- Christian Glasner, JKU
- Erich Hochmuth, dynaTrace
- Roland Mungenast, dynaTrace