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Linux Tools Project/Building Doc
Building Linux Tools MediaWiki-based Documentation Plugins
To build the documentation from a plug-in with the latest wiki content:
- install Mylyn/WikiText for Eclipse. This can be done via update site inside Eclipse (Help -> Install new software -> Indigo).
- install Ant and ant-nodeps package. If using yum:
$ yum install ant ant-nodeps
- open the org.eclipse.linuxtools.{plugin-name}.doc source inside eclipse. (For example, for valgrind use valgrind/org.eclipse.linuxtools.{plugin-name}.doc)
- edit build-helper.xml and change the path inside the path tag to point to the plugins directory in your eclipse installation. (This file is called build-doc.xml in callgraph and gprof)
- remove the template declaration from the wikipage (as described on the bug#367525)
- run build-helper.xml with Eclipse built-in ant runner (right-click -> Run As -> Ant build).