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Lessons Learned from Release 0.4

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A Lessons Learned discussion was held during the Aperi Development Status meeting on 1/21/08 for the SRM R0.4 and SAN Simulator R0.1. The intent was to get feedback from the community on their Release 0.4 and SAN Simulator experience and provide suggestions for improvement for follow on releases.

  • Topics for discussion included, but were not limited to:
    • requirements and planning
    • implementation / code
    • information development
    • third party components
    • integration / build
    • test
    • availability
    • tools; cvs, bugzilla, wiki, home page, etc.
    • project management, tracking, meetings, mailing lists, communication, etc.
  • Feedback from the team:
    1. Post to aperi-dev instead of sending email. Everyone benefits. The more communication we have on the mailing list, the better.
    2. Smoke tests catch items ahead of time like CIMOM 5.2 and are very valuable. Continue running smoke tests.***# JRE version support – we currently support V1.5. We are bound to Eclipse, which is running V1.5
      • recommend people download 1.5, install and run with that.
      • Make a change to the install instructions, put into a special location, the zip file, expand, and point everything for that. JRE for Aperi is a fixed entity.
      • Aperi checks for JRE is for 5 and above, but should be specifically for 1.5
      • SAN Simulator – people need to install JDK 1.5, especially in order to work with SRM
    3. DB2 download, next release, check DB2 support prior to IDVT
    4. SAN Simulator snapshot support – great feature, need to have a large scale snapshot that we can use for future test
    5. We need to put more of an effort into our document reviews. Provide the material earlier in the cycle and the team needs to make sure they take the time to review.

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