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LWJGL Plugin
The Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL, is a Java library wrapping OpenGL and OpenAL. It comes with some JAR and native libraries. There exists an LWJGL plugin (written by GEF3D developers and donated to the LWJGL project) which can easily be installed using an update site. LWJGL documentation and source is included and automatically linked, so you don't have to bother about all that stuff. The plugin also contains some tools for simplifying pure LWJGL development.
LWJGL update site:
The plugin only installs the LWJGL jars and native libraries, so that it is easy to develop plugins using LWJGL. It does provide a little support for developing standalone LWJGL based Java applications (e.g. a library setting is provided to add the LWJGL library to you build path, and sources and javadoc are automatically configured). If you develop an Eclipse plugin using LWJGL, you only have to add the LWJGL plugin to the list of required plugins, i.e. you don't have to care about native library paths anymore.
LWJGL comes with native libraries for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. By accident this are the same platform Eclipse supports ;-). So, you only have to take care that your Eclipse version is new enough, 3.2 or newer should work. Elder Eclipse versions (shipped with SWT 3.1) do not support OpenGL. For more information on using OpenGL in SWT applications, see [[1]].
The plugin can easily be installed using Eclipse's update feature:
- Help / Software Updates / Find and Install...
- Search for new features to install
- New Remote Site - Provide data as above ( and install feature.
There are two features:
- lwjgl jars and native libraries only
- lwjgl sdk including (linked) source code, javadoc, and some tools.
It is recommended to install both features.
In order to test whether everything worked fine, and if you have the SDK intalled as well, simply open
- Windows / Show Views / Others...
- Other / LWJGL Test View or Other / LWJGL Info View
Information about the LWJGL plugin will be announced at the LWJGL forum at and the GEF3D newsgroup. Tip: In many cases it is helpful to provide the information displayed in the LWJGL Info View as shown in the figure below. E.g., GEF3D requires the extensions "framebuffer object" and "texture non power of two" to be available, the extension "vertex buffer object" is used when possible.