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Kepler Project Plan

Proposed by: 14:35, 8 December 2006 (EST)

Modified by: slewis at 14:55, 11 December 2006 (PST)

Commented by: henrik at 08:38, 12 December 2006 (EST)

Commented by: slewis at 12:48, 12 December 2006 (PST)

Commented and Edited by: slewis at 12:25, 26 December 2006 (PST)

Commented by: thomas at 17:19, 26 December 2006 (EST)

Updated by: carlos.sanchez at 19:37, 25 August 2007 (CEST)


Kepler Project Proposal

Proposed Schedule

NOTE: Notation 'd' signifies the date of Kepler project approval with EMO, since this will keep us from having a code repository, etc. @EF.

NOTE: This proposed schedule is DRAFT and subject to change based upon input from other participants about related project plans and schedules

Proposed schedule for Kepler milestones.
Milestone Start Date Target Date Comments
#Milestone 1 d + 1 week d + 7 weeks 1-week delay anticipated to get CVS, other infrastructure setup @EF.
#Milestone 2 d + 9 weeks d + 15 weeks 1-week delay expected to review/fix process using lessons from first dev cycle.
#Milestone 3 d + 16 weeks d + 22 weeks
#Milestone 4 d + 23 weeks d + 29

Notes and Conventions

  • This project should be divided into a series of relatively short milestones, each of which will trigger a new release of the Kepler project once completed. Milestones should be achievable in six weeks, plus or minus one week.
  • Files formatted using the (new) native Kepler project model syntax as kmodel-extension files, since they are meant to catch project metadata that cannot be stored in the original metadata files for the project.

Kepler Integration Strategy

NOTE: The general strategy for implementing Kepler deliverables listed below will be integration of existing technologies from both Eclipse projects (e.g. Buckminster, PDE, ALF, Corona, EMFT, ECF, Phoenix, etc), and other open source community resources (e.g. Apache Maven, Bugzilla, Php, contributed new technologies, Continuum, Eclipse Wiki, etc). The desire is to leverage as much of existing efforts as possible, avoid reimplementation and rework, and cooperatively use all available expertise and technology for Community Lifecycle Mangagement (you heard it hear first :).

Here is a comment. Please feel free to insert your own comments inline below by reusing this markup. --Scott Lewis

Milestone 1 : Core Model Definition

EMF Models for the core model and base extensions

Provide the core schema for handling the storage of project meta-data.

For more information on the core structure see Proposed_Kepler_Collaboration_Model_Structure.

Also define a set of core project, version and artifact facets that can be used to capture common information.

Definition of meta-data around artifacts

Provide a clearer definition around the artifacts side of the project model. Understanding how to represent the artifacts (files) that are part of the project and are key to collaborating and consuming the project.

Maven2 and PDE model adapters (integration with Buckminster)

Work with Buckminster to define how we can leverage their ability to parse different project types and gather project information that can be used in collaboration.

Collaboration Model Viewer/Editor

Provide an Eclipse editor that can be used to create/view or edit a collaboration model. The core editor will provide access to the core model, through the use of extension points you will be able to register editor sections to represent different facets of the collaboration model. This will allow people to create extensions to the editor when new facets are defined.

See Kepler_Collaboration_Model_Editor

Milestone 2 : Adapters and UI

Definition of integration with component model from Buckminster

Definition of extension points for extending collaboration model

Definition of extension points for extending collaboration model viewer/editor

Integration of Corona Event notifications in Collaboration model

Milestone 3 : Definition of Collaboration Storage Extensions

Definition of concept of Project Store and Artifact Store

API definitions for Project Store and Artifact Store (WSDL)

UI components for searching Project Store and Artifact Store

Integration of Q4E for generating model for Maven

Integration of PDE/Java for generating model from Eclipse projects

Milestone 4 : Project Store and Integration Extensions

Prototype of local Project Store and Artifact Store

Extension point definition to allow tooling to integrate based on Collaboration Model

Milestone 5 : Integration

Integration of Corona

Integration of ECF (IRC/Jabber)

Integration of SCM tooling

Integration of Mylyn

Milestone 6 : Integration of Build/CI Servers

Definition of Build/CI server API (Buckminster)

UI Components for Build Servers

Meta-data extensions for builds servers

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