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June 2015 Status Meetings
Jay - Wiring up the Reflectivity Calculator to the Reflectivity Model.
Alex - Working on new MOOSE Composite Item and tests.
Taylor - Got SonarQube working in Eclipse. Working on SonarQube installation on dev box. Testing out latest VisIt release.
Andrew - Porting NiCE wiki articles to new Wiki.
Jay - Helping everyone get ICE build setup.
Alex - Working on new MOOSE Composite Item and tests.
Kasper - Working on getting ICE setup for development on Linux. Filing bug reports.
Robert - Working on getting ICE built on Windows.
Erica - Working on 'Hello World' Github repo, reading through ICE links.
Elizabeth - Reading through ICE links, setup Github.
Jordan - Working with Robert, working on Paraview VizService.
Taylor - Working with VisIt for HCI research, filing bugs.
Andrew - Researching Eclipse Oomph Installer, setting up virtual machines for install script tests.
Jay - Working on the Reflectivity bundles.
Alex - Working on new MOOSE Composite Item and tests.
Kasper - Got ICE working for ICE development! Created a new ListComponentNattable class.
Robert - Going over the source code for ICE. Started fixing minor bugs for the file delete in the viz perspective and the CSVPlotEditor.
Erica - Finished building ICE. Looking through the source code.
Elizabeth - Finished building ICE. Starting to look into building analysis tools for quantum work.
Jordan - Trying to fix the windows build issues.
Taylor - Tuning some SonarQube stuff and writing up instructions on how to use it with Eclipse.
Jay - Working on ICE pull requests.
Jordan - Finishing fixing Windows build issues. Working with Robert on some viz bug fixes. Working on ParaViewVizService.
Robert - Working on viz bugs and submitting pull requests. Setting up credentials and requirements for pull requests.
Taylor - Working on SonarQube instructions and Mac build issues.
Taylor - Working on HCI planning.
Jordan - Working on the Paraview VizService related to file types.
Kasper - Working on Reflectivity Model, specifically the nattable support.
Robert - Working on the new Plot Editor.
Andrew - Cleaning up tests in the IO bundle.
Erica - Researching ICE infrastructure. Looking into ICE analysis tool.
Elizabeth - Researching ICE infrastructure. Looking into ICE analysis tool.
Jay - Code reviews for Jordan and Kasper.
Alex - Working on new MOOSE Composite Item and tests.
Jordan - Working on the Paraview VizService, rendering exodus files.
Kasper - Converting existing table views into Nattables.
Robert - Finished VizServiceFactory, refactoring to utilize IPlots. Adding menus and toolbars to the file viewer.
Alex - Working on MOOSE discrete variables for 'variable' Entries and ICEUpdater updates for MOOSE integration.
Taylor - Met with April about space and computers for HCI study. Working on system and configuration requirements for that. Researching various statistical analysis tools.
Robert - Working on the UI for the PlotEditor and launching VizServices from data files.
Jordan - Working on Proxy architecture for Paraview, looking into connection architecture for VizServices.
Elizabeth - Creating an ICE Item, attending quantum optics meeting.
Jay - Enabling generic workspace selection. Meeting with Kitware to discuss Paraview plugins.
Alex - Got C++ Updater hooked up to Moose Output subclass and communicating with ICE.
Erica - Working on creating Item, working on SULI project report.
Elizabeth - Helping Erica create first Item, working on initial SULI project report.
Kasper - Working on Reflectivity and Materials DB editors, implementing Nattable functionality.
Robert - Working on UI for plot editor, working through issues with loading and thread locking. Meeting with the Kitware team.
Taylor - Reading statistical analysis chapters for HCI research.
Jordan - Working on Paraview VizService, added the ability to change plot types. Meeting with the Kitware team.
Andrew - Working on fixing possible Ubuntu GTK bug.
Jay - Enabling generic workspace selection, code review for Kasper.
Alex - Working on bugs related to discrete variable generation on the Moose tree, merged master into Luna branch.
Jordan - Working on generating screenshot. Working on getting Paraview widgets in SWT.
Taylor - Met with HCI collaborators to discuss configurations for study. Working on custom SonarQube dashboards.
Elizabeth - Working on UML model for AQC IDataProvider.
Erica - Working on UML model for AQC IDataProvider.
Dasha - Working on MOOSE action implementations. Getting ICE setup to do development.
Robert - Finishing up the PlotEditor, cleaning up a few bugs, adding a toolbar.
Kasper - Working on MaterialsDB editor, adding filtered text fields. Code review today for Reflectivity UI table.
Andrew - Working on creating a new Mars target.
Jay - Strategically withdrawing on workspace selection dialog. Working with Kasper on Reflectivity bundle.
Alex - Working on CSV Plot dynamic updates for ICEUpdater and MOOSE.
Robert - Finishing the Menu bar for the PlotEditor, fixing target platform issues.
Kasper - Finished MaterialsDB UI, working on stoichiometry calculator.
Dasha - Built MOOSE, looking at the widget.moose bundle to understand Clone MOOSE action.
Erica - Implementing refactor on UML model for AQCDataProvider, starting on it, its test, and Instance class implementation.
Elizabeth - Implementing UML refactor for AQCEnergyData and AQCQubitData, and tests.
Taylor - Working on custom SonarQube dashboard, preparing demonstration.
Jordan - Working on ICE screenshot for large Exodus mesh and VizService connections and preferences.
Jay - Merging in Kasper's Materials code. Pictures for NEAMS.
Alex - Working on youtube video for updated MOOSE tools.
Jordan - Setting up Window's laptop for photos, cleaning up code from SonarQube results and Paraview mouse zoom.
Taylor - Working on internal SonarQube installation. Setting up additional EC2 instances for HCI study.
Kasper - Working on porting the Visual Basic reflectivity code into Java.
Elizabeth - Working on AQC IData implementations.
Erica - Working on tester for AQCDataProvider, implemented FakeData class.
Robert - Researching SWTBot and writing tests for Plot Editor.
Andrew - Working on the Mars target.
Jay - Working on the ReflectivityModel and reviewing that code.
Jordan - Adding the TimeSliderWidget to the VisIt view. Cleaning up some Paraview code. Working on the connection preferences for VisIt to enable remote support.
Taylor - Setting up ECS instance for HCI study.
Kasper - Adding some finishing touches to the Reflectivity UI pieces and finishing up the Stoichiometry calculations.
Elizabeth - Finishing AQC IData implementations. Helping with a test for AQCDataProvider.
Erica - Working on tester for AQCDataProvider, implemented FakeData class.
Robert - Working on tests for the plot editor.
Andrew - Digging into PTP API changes for Mars.
Dasha - Wrote the CloseMOOSEWizard and CloneMOOSEWizardPage. Working on other MOOSE pieces.
Jay - Working on the Reflectivity bundle, addressing infrastructure and bugs.
Jordan - Setting up Window's laptop for photos, cleaning up code from SonarQube results and Paraview mouse zoom.
Taylor - Looking into key file bug for dealing with proxies. Cleaning up HCI tutorials.
Kasper - Looking into scripting with EASE. Looking into the reflectivity bundles.
Elizabeth - Helping Erica with the Instance class, figuring out how to do the QUBO problem mapping.
Erica - Finishing AQCDataProvider. Figuring out a file bug. Working on Instance class with Elizabeth.
Robert - Finishing the SWTBot tests for the PlotEditor.
Andrew - Fixing the Maven build with Mars.
Dasha - Looking at SWTBot examples and writing tests for the MOOSE stuff.
Jay - Working on the ReactorAnalyzer paper, figuring out Reflectivity bug with Kasper, fixing SonarQube and bugs found by SonarQube.
Jordan - Updating the TimeSliderComposite. Working on Viz connections.
Taylor - Looking into Key file solution for proxy bug.
Kasper - Working on reflectivity plugins.
Elizabeth - Finishing up the Instance class and looking at Jython for DWave data.
Erica - Working on Instance class with Elizabeth. Adding some more to AWCProvider.
Robert - Updating PlotEditor based on feedback from the code review. Talking to Dasha about the SWTBot.
Andrew - Resolving Mars target!
Dasha - Finishing tests for MOOSE "stuff."
Hari - Looking at Jordan's bug reports. Working on VisIt "superbuild."
Jay - Working on the RA paper. Testing out the Mars build.
Jordan - Cleaning up the time slider widget.
Kasper - Testing out the Mars build.
Elizabeth - Debugging the Instance class. Developing python data reader.
Erica - Debugging the AQCProvider class. Developing python data reader.
Robert - Issuing pull requests for various bugs. Fixing other bugs found by SonarQube.
Andrew - Working on Mars build stuff.
Dasha - Working on the Clone MOOSE handler.
Hari - Looking into Jordan's bugs.
Jay - Working on the RA paper. Working on the Paraview code. Working with Kasper on EASE stuff.
Jordan - Adding the adjustable framerate stuff. Fixing Paraview mouse zoom.
Kasper - Adding script support with Eclipse EASE.
Elizabeth - Updating AQC classes and data classes.
Erica - Updating AQC provider and its test.
Robert - Fixing a mesh editor bug. Auditing the viz code. Getting started on the JavaFX 3D tutorial.
Andrew - Merging Mars into master.
Dasha - Looking into SWT dependency issue in her workspace.
Taylor - Trying to get SonarQube exclusions to work. Looking into getting SonarQube results on a public server.
Jay - Working on the ReactorAnalyzer paper.
Alex - Fixing Mac OS X binary build, adding automatic push for ICE update site, fixing MOOSE Item bugs, adding remote Moose application support.
Robert - Working on the VizServices code audit, getting JavaFX working in Eclipse, repairing import errors, looking into camera support.
Jordan - Fixing tests for TimeSliderWidget related to adjustable frame rate controls.
Taylor - Trying to get SonarQube exclusions to work. Looking into getting SonarQube results on a public server. Getting results into some public server.
Dasha - Working on the CloneMOOSEHandler, WizardPage, and Wizard.
Kasper - Getting committer status, trying to get ICE built with EASE and Reflectivity stuff in Mars target. Working on python scripts for Reflectivity.