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JWT EclipseSummit2009
This page contains resources about planned presentations which might be submitted to Eclipse Summit Europe 2009. We tend to submit several (probably long) talks and let the program chair decide which one is most interesting to the audience. Typical topics are:
- New in Galileo: A description about JWT - "walkthrough"
- Aspect-oriented Modeling (the ideas of JWT, but also others)
- View mechanism (maybe together with BPMN2?)
New in Galileo: A walk through JWT
- Presenters: Florian Lautenbacher and Christian Saad
- Category: New & Noteworthy
- Type: Long talk
- Abstract: The Eclipse project Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) provides a toolset that lets its users not only model business processes but also execute them on process and workflow engines. In addition to the EMF/GEF based workflow modeler, JWT offers a set of adaptable and extensible tools for code generation and transformation, thus supporting different industry standard such as BPMN, XPDL or WSBPEL.
Fitted with flexible mechanisms that allows customization of the underlying EMF model and support for all kind of views, it allows vendors to build tools on top of JWT for the development, deployment, execution and monitoring of business processes suited for their domain. In this presentation, we give an introduction about the possibilities of JWT by demonstrating the implementation of an example process from design to execution.
Aspect-oriented Modeling
- Presenters: Marc Dutoo and Florian Lautenbacher
- Category: Modeling
- Type: Long talk
- Abstract: In this talk we discuss current shortcomings of technologies like EMF and standards like UML, and show how these can be dealt with using research approaches in the area of aspect-oriented modeling (AOM), allowing e.g. to enrich models with orthogonal sets of information pertaining to different concerns. Several techniques and implementations based on Eclipse products and projects (such as EMF extensibility, secondary models such as EMF GenModel's, the aspect-oriented configuration profiles of the Eclipse technology project Java Workflow Tooling) will be presented. An outlook about current standardization approaches in this area by the OMG completes this session.
Views on process and workflow models
- Presenters: Florian Lautenbacher and Christian Saad
- Category: Other
- Type: Long talk
- Abstract: The area of Business Process Management is characterized by a wide variety of different standards and notations like BPMN or EPCs and an even bigger amount of tools. The EMF/GEF-based Workflow Editor of the Eclipse Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) project addresses this issue by providing the possibility to adapt the visual representation of its underlying metamodel to the requirements of the user. This allows not only to avoid the need for different editors but also to let each user, e.g. domain or technical experts, view the features relevant for their domain.
In this presentation we demonstrate the development of new views along with the concepts implemented in the Workflow Editor that allow this kind of flexible adjustment.