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This transformation reads a JWT workflow and writes a XPDL 1.0 file, adapted to Bonita.
There are two XSLT files involved into this transformation:
- jwt2xpdl-part1.xsl: add missing names to each element (required by XPDL).
- jwt2xpdl-part2.xsl: do the transformation.
Element mapping
elements[@xsi:type = 'organisations:Role'] | Participant |
elements[@xsi:type = 'data:Data'] | DataField |
elements[@xsi:type = 'application:Application'] | Application |
elements[@xsi:type = 'processes:Activity'] | WorkflowProcess |
nodes[@xsi:type = 'processes:StructuredActivityNode'] | ActivitySet |
nodes[@xsi:type = 'processes:ActivityLinkNode'] | not supported |
nodes[@xsi:type = 'processes:InitialNode'] | nothing |
nodes[@xsi:type = 'processes:Action'] | Activity |
nodes[@xsi:type = 'processes:DecisionNode'] | Activity/Route |
nodes[@xsi:type = 'processes:ForkNode'] | Activity/Route |
nodes[@xsi:type = 'processes:MergeNode'] | Activity/Route XOR |
nodes[@xsi:type = 'processes:JoinNode'] | Activity/Route AND |
nodes[@xsi:type = 'processes:StructuredActivityNode'] | Activity/BlockActivity |
nodes[@xsi:type = 'processes:FinalNode'] | Activity/@name="BonitaEnd" |
edges | Transition |
edges/guard | Transition/Condition |
Extended attributes for Bonita
Some extended attributes are usefull to ProEd (the Bonita's XPDL editor) in order to locate graphical items or associate Java class to activities (hooks).
Name | Value |
Package/ExtendedAttributes: | |
MadeBy | JWT2XPDL |
View | Activity |
Activity/ExtendedAttributes: | |
XOffsetParticipantView | 0 |
YOffsetParticipantView | 0 |
XOffset | Location/@x |
YOffset | Location/@y |
CellHeight | Size/@height or 30 |
CellWidth | Size/@width or 150 |
hook | @executedBy if the value starts with "hero.hook." |
Other extended attributes
The following extended attributes are not used by Bonita but keep some data present in the JWT file who may be usefull to other workflow engines.
Name | Value |
Participant/ExtendedAttributes: | |
icon | elements[@xsi:type = 'organisations:Role']/@icon |
DataField/ExtendedAttributes: | |
icon | elements[@xsi:type = 'data:Data']/@icon |
Application/ExtendedAttributes: | |
jarArchive | elements[@xsi:type = 'application:Application']/@jarArchive |
javaClass | elements[@xsi:type = 'application:Application']/@javaClass |
method | elements[@xsi:type = 'application:Application']/@method |
icon | elements[@xsi:type = 'application:Application']/@icon |
- Process properties and activity properties: all the JWT data are translated into process properties, there is no activity properties.
- Participant type is always HUMAN, the other types are unavailable (ROLE, SYSTEM, RESOURCE, RESOURCE_SET, ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT). To choose ROLE and mapper (for Bonita: LDAP, custom or properties), edit the XPDL file with ProEd.
- Hook: a hook is added only if the package begins with "hero.hook.". The event is always "afterTerminate": there is no way to choose other events like onReady or onStart.
- Cycles are not translated into iteration: the transformation should replace the last transition of cycles by an iteration. Without iteration, Bonita can not import a XPDL containing a cycle.
- Subprocess calls are not supported. You can use an embedded suprocess, wich is translated into a block activity.
There are samples in the CVS : org.eclipse.jwt/transformations/jwt-xpdl/samples.
You can open the *.workflow files with the JWT Workflow Editor and the *.xpdl files with ProEd or an other XPDL editor.
The file jwt-xpdl/samples/jwt2xpdl/samples.csv contains the result of the tests executed with the sample files: the date, if it loads in JWT, ProEd and Bonita, if it performs in Bonita, the users and hooks needed.