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JSF Tools Functional Tests
Web Page Editor
- Source Page
- Insert various JSF Core and JSF HTML tags and verify correct corresponding insertion into Design view
- Content Assist
- Design Page
- Verify visual feedback
- Higlighting (border) and tooltip for current element on mouse hover
- Resizable marquee on element selection
- Insertion-point caret
- Verify selection in Design view correctly synchronizes selection in Source, Properties, and Outline views
- Drag and drop various JSF Core and JSF HTML tags and verify correct rendering, properties, etc.
- Verify correct functionality of context menus on elements
- Verify visual feedback
- Preview Page
- Verify that preview is as expected (close to runtime experience)
- Verify that simple EL expressions referencing resource bundles loaded via <f:loadBundle> are evaluated and replaced
- Validation
- Toolbar
- Verify correct functionality of toolbar buttons, especially selection of Design, Source, or both views and horizontal and vertical split modes
- Property Viewer
- Verify QuickEdit and Attribute property pages for by selecting various JSF Core and HTML tags in the page, and updating attribute values using the property pages.
Faces Config Editor
- Verify "Wait for Load" page appears only briefly
- Verify pages:
- Introduction (unless disabled in Preferences)
- Overview
- Verify correct information listed
- Verify double-clicking list item navigates to correct page (and item, where applicable)
- Navigation Rule
- Verify pages and links can be added
- Verify link properties can be edited correctly
- Verify Palette is visible and populated correctly
- Verify context menu is available and populated correctly
- ManagedBean
- Verify Managed Beans can be added and removed successfully
- Verify Managed Bean Wizard operates correctly
- Component
- Verify Components, Converters, Render Kits, and Validators can be added and removed successfully
- Verify all items can be configured correctly
- Others
- Verify all items can be added/removed/configured successfully
- Source
- Verify source is correct and synchronized with settings made on other pages
- Verify source editing affects settings on relevant pages
JSF Library
- Create a new project and define one new RI and one new component library from the wizard page. Ensure both are marked to deploy.
- Assert that you aren't allowed to create a JSF lib without at least one library
- Assert that the two libraries appear in the classpath (navigator classpath bundles)
- Assert that the two libraries are marked in J2EE Module Dependencies as deployed.
- Create a new JSF library from the Windows->Preferences dialog
- Assert that JSF library appears in Add Library list in Build Path on a project
- Add new JSF library to project
- Assert that library jars added to classpath
- Assert J2EE Module Dependency exists but is not deployed by default
- Remove JSF library from project
- Assert that library jars removed from classpath
- Assert that J2EE module dependency is removed
- Change JSF library while configured on project by adding and removing jars
- Assert that the project classpath contents change to reflect jars
- Remove JSF library that is installed on a project
- Assert library is still installed on existing projects
- Assert library is no longer available on projects where not installed
- Create a second JSF implementation library
- Assert that only one JSF implementation can be configured on a project at once.
- Create a project using the server-supplied library
- Assert that the project can be created
- Open WPE. Add a JSF library for a component not in the WPE palette. Close and re-open WPE
- Assert that the new library's components are in the palette.
- Assert that adding a component from this library adds the correct tag lib statement.
- Assert that the tab lib statement is hyperlinkable to a TLD.
JSF Facet
- Create new project using the JSF 1.1 Configuration on the first page (don't hit Next)
- Assert faces-config.xml is a faces 1.1 file (dtd)
- Assert the web.xml is a pre-2.5 file
- Create new project using the JSF 1.2 Configuration on the first page (don't hit Next)
- Assert faces-config.xml is a faces 1.2 file (xsd)
- Assert the web.xml is a 2.5 file
- Open new dynamic project wizard and select JSF 1.2 by default
- Assert cannot proceed because web project version must be set to 2.5
- Change the JSF version to 1.1 and assert that can now proceed
- Change to web project 2.5 with JSF 1.2 facet and assert can also proceed
- Open new dynamic project wizard, select a JSF 1.x project with WebContent changed from default
- Assert the the faces-config file is correctly located in the new web content root
- Open new dynamic project wizard and create a JSF 1.x project with faces-config file, servlet name and filter changed from default
- Assert that values changed from default match in generated web.xml file.
- In all cases where JSF libraries are added in the new project wizard, ensure that the jars are added
- Starting with a JSF 1.x project, remove the facet
- Assert that the web.xml is updated to remove JSF servlet info.
- Assert the faces-config.xml is not changed.
- Starting with a JSF 1.x project with a different web content root, remove facet
- Assert that the web.xml is updated to remove the JSF servlet info.
- Assert that faces-config.xml is not changed.
- Starting with a JSF 1.x project a different faces-config.xml file name
- Assert that the web.xml is updated to remove the JSF servlet info
- Assert that faces-config.xml is not changed.
- Start with a dynamic web project that does not have a JSF facet and add the JSF 1.x facet
- Assert that the faces-config.xml is created and the web.xml file is updated
- Start with a dynamic web project using a non-default web content root and add the JSF 1.x facet
- Assert the project is created correctly.
JSF Preferences
EL Validation Preferences
- Test validation with default preferences
- Correct expression
- Warning expression (i.e. member not found)
- Error expression (i.e. Missing closing bracket)
- Turn off all EL validation and re-validate
- Assert all validation is gone
- Turn on as-you-type validation and re-validate
- Assert markers are gone outside the editor
- Check as-you-type validation in the SSE editor
- Turn on both validation and as-you-type and re-validate
- Assert that markers and as-you-type is working.
- Use Restore Defaults and re-validated
- Assert validate markers but no as-you-type
- Set severity on a problem with warning severity to error and revalidate
- Assert severity changes to error
- Set severity on a problem with error severity to ignore and revalidate
- Assert problem goes away
Faces Config Editor
- Show Introduction Tab...
- Verify that enabling/disabling shows/removes Introduction page in editor
- Use System colors
- Verify setting has desired effect in editor
- Verify following preference items are enabled/disabled appropriately:
- Canvas: Background color
- Icons: Label font
- Connection Lines: Label font, Label color, Line color
- Canvas
- Verify all settings have desired effect in editor
- Icons
- Verify all settings have desired effect in editor
- Connection Lines
- Verify all settings have desired effect in editor
- Covered under JSF Library section
Apache MyFaces Trinidad Support
Test AbstractLabelAndHelpOperation
- Create tr:inputFile (not as child of tr:panelFormLayout, "simple" attribute initially not present or set to false)
- Assert setting "styleClass" attribute results in use of specified style class on entire component
- Assert setting "inlineStyle" attribute results in use of specified style on entire component
- Assert setting "contentStyle" attribute results in use of specified style only on text field
- Assert setting "required" and/or "showRequired" attribute to true results in "*" being prepended
- Assert setting "label" attribute results in label attribute's value being prepended (after "*", if present)
- Assert setting "columns" attribute results in corresponding change of width of text field
- Assert setting "value" attribute results in value appearing in text field
- Create f:facet as child of tr:inputFile with "name" attribute with value "help"
- Create tr:outputText as child of f:facet
- Assert setting "value" attribute (on tr:outputText) results in text appearing below text field
- Create tr:outputText as child of f:facet
- Assert setting "simple" attribute to true results in removal of all visual objects except text field and browse button
Test InputTextOperation
- Create tr:inputText
- Assert setting "rows" attribute < 2 (or attribute not present) results in a text field
- Assert setting "rows" attribute > 1 results in a textarea
- Assert setting "secret" attribute to true (and "rows" attribute not present or < 2) results in a password field
Test InputTextWithIconOperation
- Create tr:inputColor, tr:inputDate, tr:inputListOfValues, and tr:inputNumberSpinbox
- Assert rendering is similar to tr:inputText (when attributes are set appropriately) followed by tag-specific icon
Test OutputFormattedOperation
- Create tr:outputFormatted with simple HTML as "value" attribute (e.g. "A <b>bold</b> word")
- Assert HTML formatting matches expectations
- Assert setting "styleUsage" attribute with values "instruction", "pageStamp", and "inContextBranding" results in style differences (differences are slight - colour changes only)
Test PanelFormLayoutOperation
- Create tr:panelFormLayout
- Add significant number of child form tags (e.g. tr:input*, h:inputText, tr:select*) to test rows and maxColumns
- Assert setting "rows" and "maxColumns" attributes lays out child tags appropriately (maxColumns overrides rows)
- Assert setting "labelWidth" and "fieldWidth" attributes adjusts column widths appropriately (note: Design pane doesn't currently handle correctly, but Preview pane should)
- Assert setting "label", "required", and "showRequired" attributes on child Trinidad form tags results in expected behaviour
Test PanelGroupLayoutOperation
- Create tr:panelGroupLayout
- Add significant number of child tags to test functionality (e.g. 3 or 4 children)
- Create f:facet as child of trPanelGroupLayout with "name" attribute with value "separator"
- Create f:verbatim as child of f:facet with text content "-[SEP]-" (arbitrary, set content to desired separator)
- Assert setting "layout" attribute on tr:panelGroupLayout to "horizontal" or "vertical" renders expected layout
- Assert separator appears between each child tag
Test PanelLabelAndMessageOperation
- Create tr:panelLabelAndMessage
- Create h:inputText (NOT tr:inputText) as child of tr:panelLabelAndMessage
- Assert setting "showRequired" attribute (on tr:panelLabelAndMessage) to true results in "*" being prepended
- Assert setting "label" attribute (on tr:panelLabelAndMessage) results in label attribute's value being prepended (after "*", if present)
- Create f:facet as child of tr:panelLabelAndMessage with "name" attribute with value "help"
- Create tr:outputText as child of f:facet
- Assert setting "value" attribute (on tr:outputText) results in text appearing below text field
- Create tr:outputText as child of f:facet
Test PanelTabbedOperation
- Create tr:panelTabbed
- Create several child tr:showDetailItem tags
- Assert each child tr:showDetailItem gets a corresponding tab
- Assert setting "text" attribute of tr:showDetailItem changes tab text accordingly
- Assert setting "disabled" attribute of tr:showDetailItem changes tab style accordingly
- Assert clicking tab text changes "current" tab
Design-time MetaData Framework
Tag Conversion Framework
Built-in Support for JSF Core/HTML Libraries
Since we ship with built-in support for JSF core and JSF HTML libraries, testing tag conversion of these tags can be performed simply by building JSP pages that make use of them.
- Create one or more JSP pages
- Use as many JSF core and JSF HTML tags in these JSP pages as possible
- Verify correct rendering in Design and Preview pages of the Web Page Editor
Providing Additional Tag Conversion Capabilities via Metadata
- Create one or more tag conversion metadata plugin(s) by following instructions in Help > JavaServer Faces Tooling Developer Guide > Tutorials > Providing Design-Time Tag Metadata
- Install tag conversion metadata plugin(s)
- Use tags (for which metadata has been provided by plugin(s)) in JSP page(s)
- Verify correct rendering in Design and Preview pages of the Web Page Editor
EL Symbol Framework
Designtime Application Framework
With the dtresolver.test plugin in the base instance and DTResolverExampleApp in a spawned runtime workspace:
- Validate test.jsp
- Assert each of the four expected expressions are flagged with validation warnings.
- Set each of the custom actions on the right-click menu for the project (External Context, Variable Resolver, Property Resolver, Method Resolver), revalidate in each case.
- Assert in each case that expected expression no longer causes a validation problem.
- Remove each of the custom action and revalidate
- Assert that the expected problems return.
View Handler Framework
Tag Registry
- Basic tag registry
- Create a new JSF Project
- Open the Tag Registry View
- Select the project in the project combo.
- Verify the JSP tag registry is present and expand it.
- Verify that and namespaces are present.
- Expand the trees for each of the tag libraries. Verify that all tags present
- Check detail form
- With JSP tag registry selected in the tree, verify that the detail form is updated with 'Description', 'Id' and Content-Types. Content-Types must include "JSP".
- With selected, verify that Name and Uri appear correctly in the detail form.
- With expanded, select commandButton. Verify that Component Type Information and Interface Information are updated and correct.
- Switch projects
- Create a second project.
- Add a second tag library (i.e. trinidad) to the new project.
- Switch between the two projects using the project combo and verify that the tag registries have the right namespaces and tags.
- Refresh
- Select the JSP tag registry for one of the projects.
- Expand all namespaces.
- Click the refresh button.
- Verify that a Yes/No dialog opens and asks if you want to flush caches.
- Click "No" and verify that the tree is collapsed down to the namespace level.** Click refresh again with the namespaces expanded.
- Verify that the namespaces collapse and note that there is a pause when expanded one of the namespaces.
Component Tree View
- Basic
- Open the JSF Component Tree.
- Verify that the title line that starts View: contains the valid view id for the page with the project in brackets (i.e. View: /login.jspx (Project: JSFProject)).
- Verify that the UIViewRoot appears in the left-hand master form tree.
- Expand the UIViewRoot and verify all the components are present.
- Details form
- Starting with the login.jspx page.
- Add a converter to one of the h:inputText's and save the source file.
- Click on a component in the tree for the page and verify that the details form is updated.
- Verify that the Decorators list for the modified h:inputText (HtmlInputText in the tree) has the converter in its Decorators list.
- Update on save
- With the component tree for a JSP expanded in the view, change the source file in a way that will change the component tree (i.e. remove a component tag like an h:inputText or h:outputText).
- Save the file.
- Verify that the tree collapses. Expand the tree and verify the component tree has been updated for the change.
- Update with refresh
- Open the view in an external editor.
- Make a component tree-affecting change (i.e. add an inputText).
- Save the file. Note, that the component tree won't since the change was outside the workspace.
- Click on the refresh button in the view for the file.
- Verify that the tree is updated.
- Update on clean build.
- Open the view in an external editor.
- Make a component tree-affecting change (i.e. add an inputText).
- Save the file. Note, that the component tree won't since the change was outside the workspace.
- Do a clean build on the owning project.
- Verify that the tree is updated.
User Documentation
- Help System
- Verify "JavaServer Faces Tooling User Guide" topic is available
- Verify all page contents for accuracy
- Verify all links are functional and correct
- Verify "JavaServer Faces Tooling User Guide" topic is available
Developer Documentation
- Help System
- Verify "JavaServer Faces Tooling Developer Guide" topic is available
- Verify all page contents for accuracy
- Verify all links are functional and correct
- Verify "JavaServer Faces Tooling Developer Guide" topic is available