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JNDI Context Provider CVS
General CVS Information
Connection Type | Committers | :ext: |
Anon access | :pserver: | |
Host | | |
Repository Path | /cvsroot/technology |
JNDI Context Provider Projects
The JNDI Context Provider consists of two projects, one for the Context Provider and one for the Test code in different CVS modules
Project | Module Location | Eclipse PSF | ViewCVS |
JNDI CP | org.eclipse.higgins/plugins/org.eclipse.higgins.idas.cp.jndi | anonymous | viewcvs |
committer | |||
JNDI CP Test | org.eclipse.higgins/plugins/org.eclipse.higgins.idas.cp.jndi.test | anonymous | viewcvs |
committer |
Build Instructions
- Building within Eclipse:
- The normal project build method will compile the source
- How to produce a standalone jar:
- In Eclipse, do this:
- Window, Show View, Ant. An ant browser appears.
- Right-Click, Add Buildfiles..., browse to the buildfile (build.xml) you want to add and select it.
- Expand the build file to expose the jar target.
- Double-click the jar target to build the jar.
- In Eclipse, do this:
- How to produce javadoc:
- Follow the instructions above to add the ant buildfile to the ant browser
- Double-click the javadoc target.
- Command-line build
- Building an Eclipse plugin
- From the project directory, run "ant -DECLIPSE_HOME=<path to eclipse installation>"
- Note that this requires an Eclipse installation
- Building a standalone jar file
- From the project directory, run "ant jar"
- Building javadoc
- From the project directory, run "ant javadoc"
- Building an Eclipse plugin