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JET FAQ How do I create custom XPath Function?
JET provides tools for creating custom XPath functions. How does it work ?
1. Create a plug-in project
2. In the Plug-in manifest editor, go to the Dependencies tab and add : org.eclipse.jet, org.eclipse.core.runtime, org.eclipse.core.resources
3. In the Plug-in manifest editor, go to the Extensions tab, and add org.eclipse.jet.xpathfunctions.
4. Add a xpathFunction entry under this. Set the name, and the min/max arguments as you wish.
5. Click the Implementation link, and specify a Class to implement the function.
6. Code the class.
The following example is an XPathFunction which name is "resourceExists", and min/max attributes are set to 1.
package org.eclipse.jet.example.customfunction; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.jet.xpath.XPathFunction; import org.eclipse.jet.xpath.XPathUtil; public class ResourceExistsFunction implements XPathFunction { public Object evaluate(List args) { String path = XPathUtil.xpathString(args.get(0)); IResource resource = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().findMember(path); return Boolean.valueOf(resource != null && resource.exists()); } }
In your template, usage would then be:
<c:if test="resourceExists('someproject/somefolder/somefile.c')"> .. do this if file exists </c:if>
See Also
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