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JET FAQ Can JET handle UML models as input?
Can JET load and traverse UML2 models?
UML2 Models (.uml, .uml2 or Rational Software Architect .emx files) are EMF-based models. So, yes, JET can read them. Here are some tips for doing it:
- Open plugin.xml on your JET transformation, switch the the Extensions tab, expand 'org.eclipse.jet.transform', click '(transform)', and set the modelLoader field to 'org.eclipse.jet.emf'.
- JET cannot access stereotypes or steroetype properties. If you need, custom XPath functions could be created to access these.
- The UML2 meta model is very large, and I find most users are not intimately familiar with the navigation features. JET has a special XPath enhancement to make life a little easier. An XPath step such as $parent/foo is interpreted as "the contents of the EReference named 'foo' on the object identified by $parent". But, if there is no 'foo' feature, JET will then attempt to find a contained class of $parent (i.e. something in eContents()) whose eClass name is 'foo'. So, the following are equivalent:
/contents/nestedPackages/ownedTypes[@name = 'Person']/ownedAttributes[@name = 'address']/type/@name
/Model/Package/Class[@name = 'Person']/Property[@name = 'address']/type/@name
Note: The UML uses singularized reference names, even for * multiplicities. So you'll have to use "nestedPackage", "ownedType" for the above example to work.
See Also
- JET FAQ Should I write my JET code generator directly against UML2?
- JET FAQ What kind of input model can JET handle?
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