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J2EE Smoke Test (WTP 3.0)
J2EE 1.4
- Install a J2EE 1.4-compatible server, such as JOnAS, JBoss or WebSphere
- Add the server in Window -> Preferences -> Server -> Runtime Environments
- Define the server in the Servers view, using the above created runtime environment
- Install the XDoclet support (1.2.1, 1.2.2 or 1.2.3)
- Add the XDoclet support in Window -> Preferences -> XDoclet
- Expand the XDoclet node and configure the ejbdoclet and webdoclet support for your installed server(s).
Create resources
Create a Web 2.4 project
- Target it at the installed J2EE server
- Choose "Dynamic Web Project with XDoclet" from Configurations
- Create a servlet inside the project
- enter "test" for Java package
- specify a name
- select the "Generate a XDoclet annotated class" checkbox
- give "test" for servlet's name (second page)
- leave only the "doGet" checkbox checked (third page - inherited abstract methods)
- add the following code in the doGet() method of the servlet class
response.getOutputStream().println("This is a test servlet. ");
- Create a JSP inside the project
- file name: index.jsp
- add the following text inside the <body> tag
This is the Smoke Test.
- Ensure the project builds and is targeted to the server correctly
Create an EAR 1.4 project
- Target it at the installed J2EE server
- Select the Web 2.4 project as J2EE module (second page)
Create an EJB 2.1 project
- Target it at the installed J2EE server
- Choose "EJB Project with XDoclet" from Configurations
- Choose "Add project to an EAR" and choose the previously created EAR project
- Create a new XDoclet Enterprise JavaBean
- choose Session Bean as a type
- enter "test" for Java package
Verify Project Explorer content
Verify the Web project
- verify that the servlet class exists in the project file structure
- verify there is a node for the deployment descriptor
- the deployment descriptor node should specify version 2.4
- verify that the servlet class is listed under the "Servlets" node
- verify that the "/test ->" url mapping is listed under the "Servlet Mappings" node
Verify the EJB project
- verify that an EJB client project is created together with the EJB project
- verify that there is an ejb-client-jar tag in the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor
- verify that session bean classes exist in the project file structure
- EJB interfaces should be in the EJB client project instead in the EJB project
- verify there is a node for the deployment descriptor
- the deployment descriptor node should specify version 2.1
- verify that the there is a node for the bean under the "Session Beans" node
- verify that under this node all bean classes and interfaces are listed
Verify the EAR project
- verify there is a node for the deployment descriptor
- the deployment descriptor node should specify version 1.4
- expand the deployment descriptor node
- verify there are "Modules" and "Utility JARs" nodes
- expand the Modules node
- verify there are references to the Web and EJB modules
Export the projects
Export the Web project
- verify that the deployment descriptor XML, Servlet classes, JSP files and libraries are included in the WAR
Export the EJB project
- verify that all of the classes and the deployment descriptor XML are included in the EJB JAR
Export the EAR project
- verify that deployment descriptor XML and the WARs and EJB JARs of the referenced J2EE modules are included
Deploy and Run the application
- Run the test servlet
- Right click on the servlet node in the deployment descriptor tree and choose Run As -> Run on Server
- Select the targeted J2EE server
- The internal browser should request the test servlet and show the result page
- Run the index.jsp
- Right click on the index.jsp and choose Run As -> Run on Server
- Select the targeted J2EE server
- The internal browser should request the index.jsp and show the result page
Java EE 5
- Install a Java EE 5-compatible server, such as Glassfish or JBoss
- Add the server in Window -> Preferences -> Server -> Runtime Environments
Create resources
Create a Web 2.5 project
- Target it at the installed Java EE server
- Create a servlet inside the project
- enter "test" for Java package
- specify a name
- give "test" for servlet's name (second page)
- leave only the "doGet" checkbox checked (third page - inherited abstract methods)
- add the following code in the doGet() method of the servlet class
response.getOutputStream().println("This is a test servlet. ");
- Create a JSP inside the project
- file name: index.jsp
- add the following text inside the <body> tag
This is the Smoke Test.
- Ensure the project builds and is targeted to the server correctly
Create an EAR 5 project
- Target it at the installed Java EE server
- Select the Web 2.5 project as J2EE module (second page)
Create an EJB 3.0 project
- Target it at the installed Java EE server
- Choose "Add project to an EAR" and choose the previously created EAR 5 project
- Create a new Session Bean
- enter "test" for Java package
- enter "TestBean" for Class name
- leave "Create Business Interface > Local" checked
Verify Project Explorer content
Verify the Web project
- verify that the servlet class exists in the project file structure
- verify there is a web.xml file under the WEB-INF folder
- verify there is a node for the deployment descriptor
- the deployment descriptor node should specify version 2.5
- verify that the servlet class is listed under the "Servlets" node
- verify that the "/test ->" url mapping is listed under the "Servlet Mappings" node
Verify the EJB project
- verify that an EJB client project is created together with the EJB project
- verify that session bean classes exist in the project file structure
- EJB interfaces should be generated in the EJB client project instead of in the EJB project
- verify there is an ejb-jar.xml file under the /ejbModule/META-INF directory
- there should be an ejb-client-jar tag pointing to the EJB client project
- verify there is a node for the deployment descriptor
- the deployment descriptor node should specify version 3.0
- verify that the there is a node for the bean under the "Session Beans" node
- verify that under this node all bean classes and interfaces are listed
Verify the EAR project
- verify there is no application.xml file under the /EarContent/META-INF directory
- verify that /META-INF directory is not generated under /EarContent
- verify there is a node for the deployment descriptor
- the deployment descriptor node should specify version 5.0
- expand the deployment descriptor node
- verify there are "Bundled Libraries" and "Modules" nodes
- expand the Bundled Libraries node
- verify there is reference to the EJB Client JAR
- expand the Modules node
- verify there are references to the Web and EJB modules
Export the projects
Export the Web project
- verify that the deployment descriptor XML, Servlet classes, JSP files and libraries are included in the WAR
Export the EJB project
- verify that all of the classes and the deployment descriptor XML are included in the EJB JAR
Export the EAR project
- verify that the WARs and EJB JARs of the referenced J2EE modules are included
- verify there is no deployment descriptor XML
Deploy and Run the application
- Run the test servlet
- Right click on the servlet node in the deployment descriptor tree and choose Run As -> Run on Server
- Select the targeted Java EE server
- The internal browser should request the test servlet and show the result page
- Run the index.jsp
- Right click on the index.jsp and choose Run As -> Run on Server
- Select the targeted Java EE server
- The internal browser should request the index.jsp and show the result page