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Istanbul DemoCamp
Istanbul Technical University, ARI-1 Teknokent, Conference Salon, Maslak, Istanbul
Date and Time
Wednesday, November 21, 6:30 to 9:30pm
Havva Ozgul, Eteration
If you would like to present at a DemoCamp, please feel free to add your name and topic to the list. Depending on the number of people interested we may have to limit the number of presenters and time of each demo.
- Naci Dai, WTP
Who Is Attending
If you plan on attending please add your name to the list below. We'd like to see as many people show up as possible.
- Naci Dai, Eteration
- İlker Çıkrıkçılı, TAV
- Murat Yener, TAV
- Erol Özcan, Argela Technologies
- Şafak Kayıkcı, IBM
- Serkan Kaba, Takasbank
- Burak Celebi, Turkcell
- Ömer Faruk Demir, Bahçeşehir Üni.
- Cenk Taylan Eryiğit, MUSE System
- Burak Ereniş, MUSE System
- Mahmut Eren, TCMB
- Özgül Ünal Karakaş, TCMB
- Selman Tayyar, Eteration
- Murat Karakas, Eteration
- Hanife Delek, Turk Ekonomi Bankası
- Halil Öztürk, Turkcell
- Serkan Ertan, Digiturk
- Bekır Balcık, Argela
- Serap Koç, Argela
- Aysun Eren, Turk Ekonomi Bankası
- Ahmet Demirelli, Sabanci Unversity
- Barış Şaylı, Eteration
- Taner Alakuş, Eteration
- Viki Handeli, Eteration
- Havva Özgül, Eteration
- Betül Ünüvar, Eteration
- Necati Peynirci, Eteration
- Ramazan Fırın, Eteration
- Yasin Kaya, Avea
- Saruk Çelik,
- Uğur Gemici, Oracle
- İlker Rıza Ernas, Cybersoft