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ICE Job Profile
The Job Profile Editor is a tool designed to set up local or remote job executions. It allows the user to set up the following four pieces:
- Execution information
- Threading options
- Hostnames
- Data Files
Getting Started
Job Profiles are an internal Item built into ICE. To make one, select File > Create an item. Select the option for creating Job Profiles, and hit the OK button. ICE will load a window titled Job Profile Editor with some defaults.
Execution Information: The execution information pertains to the name of the profile, the executable, and the parameters. The executable should be a one word phrase (./a. out for C++ programs on linux Operating Systems). The parameters should be the other pieces required to execute on the command line.
Threading Options: The listed threading options are for the parallel configuration options of a program. It will add the required command line arguments to the executable string if the application runs with MPI, openMP, or both. It also allows the user to input the number of threads and processes for each.
Hostnames: The hostnames are a list of locations, either local or remote, for where the executable is located. It allows the user to input the supporting operating system and the install directory on the specified hostname's file system. This is a list that can be appended to for multiple-installation support.
Data Files: The data files are files required by the installation to work. A user can specify the name of the file and the installation path to the file. The job profile will use these configurations to check the path to the files to make sure they exist.
Process: "Create a Job Launcher"
Once all the fields and attributes have been set up, the job can be persisted to file by selecting the Process tab and selecting Create a Job Launcher. This will store the file in the user directory for NiCE so that it can be utilized later to execute jobs with the configured launcher. For a more detailed walkthrough of how to make a custom Job Launcher, see our developers' tutorial, [Your First Plug-in Part 2: Using the Job Profile Editor to create Job Launchers.]