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ICE Error Codes
The following is a list of error codes reported by ICE during run time with descriptions, displayed contents and developer instructions.
Code Descriptions Contents Instructions
Trying to use a plug-in fails with message dialogs popping up that reference this error. The form displayed on the screen is missing entries.
The entry <entry name> requires a selection from a set of values, but does not provide that set. This most likely means that you are missing some required data files. In rare instances it may indicate a bug in the plug-in that you are trying to use. If you feel like you have configured everything properly, feel free to submit a bug report at and reference error code #1.
Users should check their data files or submit a bug report if they want more help. Fixing this may be as simple as importing a file of the appropriate type with the Import action in the tool bar.
Developers should check the plug-in and make sure the Item was constructed by its builder with the constructor that requires an IProject. If the plug-in in question is a JobLauncher that uses file filtering, care should be taken to make sure that the right file extensions are put in the filter argument of addInputType().
Trying to create an item with ICE fails
ICE does not have any plugins configured! This most likely means that you are missing some required data files or that ICE hasn't completely loaded yet. In rare instances it may indicate a bug in the plug-in that you are trying to use. If you feel like you have configured everything properly, feel free to submit a bug report here and reference error code #2.
Users and developers should check the console output of ICE and make sure that the system has loaded correctly. This error most likely means that the ICE core is waiting on the PersistenceProvider to load the items from disk or that the core itself has failed.
The solution to this problem could be as simple as waiting a little extra time after the workbench comes up for the database to load completely.
Note: In one instance, we had this error pop up as a result of a faulty workspace. If you're compiling ICE from scratch, make sure you follow the instructions very carefully.