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ICE December 2015 Status Meetings


Robert - Continuing work on the mesh editor refactor.
Taylor - Collecting data from usability study videos.
Andrew - Working on project generation wizards.


Jay - Working on UI refactor and looking into some visualization stuff with Hari.
Ksenia - Resolving ICE install issues and filing installer bugs.
Hari - Ironing out issues with the VisIt client, beginning to merge into ICE's 'next' branch.
Andrew - Fixing installer bugs filed by Ksenia.
Robert - Continuing work on the mesh editor refactor.
Taylor - Continuing data collection from usability study videos.


Jay- Reviewing VisIt stuff with Hari
Hari- Bugfixes in ICE for compatibility with new Java client for VisIt.
Taylor- Continuing work on data collection from study recordings.
Robert- Finishing mesh editor, and adding test code.


Robert - Finishing the tests for the updated mesh editor, getting started on the reactor editor.
Taylor - Working on data collection from HCI studies.
Andrew - Working on generating class templates for the Model Builder.


Alex - Updated ICE downloads to have a latest directory, fixed a few minor Moose bugs.
Robert - Working on the JavaFX refactor for the ReactorAnalyzer. Working on the mesh for tubes.
Andrew - Continuing on the class generation templating.


Robert - Working on the reactor analyzer refactor.
Taylor - Working on collecting data from usability studies, wrapping that up today. Exporting videos to better format.


Andrew - Hooking up the templating to the new Item project wizard.
Robert - Working on the reactor analyzer data structures.
Ksenia - Debugging Mac install issues.
Taylor - Cleaning and aggregating survey response data from the usability study.


Alex - Starting on IActionFactory refactor.
Ksenia - Testing latest bug fixes in ICE.
Taylor - Finishing up survey data analysis with Morae, starting to work with Architect Eclipse R project.
Robert - Continuing work on geometry/mesh editor refactors.
Andrew - Working on getting templating in the new project wizard.


Alex - Continuing JobLauncher refactor work. Refactored existing Actions to use RemoteAction where necessary. Created LocalExecutionAction for local job launches.
Robert - Working on the reactor editor refactor.
Taylor - Installing Architect for R statistics development.
Ksenia - Working on Java Skills.
Andrew - Trying to get SWTBot tests to work for the project generation.


Robert - Finished UI for the reactor views, moving to the HDF5 IO tools, updating them to work with new data types.
Ksenia - Working with CSV Plot Viewer and finding bugs.
Taylor - Scoring system usability survey responses.
Hari - Fixing bugs in the visit client for upcoming merge with ICE.


Alex - Finishing up the JobLauncher refactor.
Robert - Cleaning up mesh/geometry editor refactors.
Ksenia - Researching Java.
Taylor - Analyzing HCI study data, preparing report.
Hari - Getting last bug fixes in to visit java client.

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