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HTTP Deployer

Project Description: Eclipse developers use JDT to build awesome Java applications. They use Mylyn to focus their work. They use PDE to domesticate the power of EclipseRT. And they use command line tools to deploy their bundles and features. This project is proposed to implement tooling that allows for one-click deployment of any existing Eclipse Feature, for example Eclipse Orion, to Amazon’s EC2.

This project as submitted to the Eclipse Foundation has been accepted for Google Summer of Code 2011.

Student: Sebastian Schmidt

Mentor: Holger Staudacher


The core idea of the HTTP Deployer is to provide a Run Configuration that allows for Remote Provisioning of any Eclipse Feature to a Eclipse RTP based runtime. You can find the complete project proposal and description at Proposal. The image below shows the new Run Configuration. It's also an Screencast available that demonstrates the current state of the HttpDeployer, see



At this time it's required to install a Web Service on the target environment that allows to control the runtime remotely. This step might be obsolete in the future, as we plan to include this service in Eclipse RTP packages. Furthermore it's required to install the UI-Plugins in the Eclipse IDE.

A detailed documentation of the installation procedure can be found at HttpDeployer_HowTo.


The HTTP Deployer provides an API that allows to control Eclipse RTP based OSGi Runtimes remotely. This API is currently used by the HTTP Deployer UI Code for the Remote Provisioning operations. It might, however, also be used by third-party applications and is documented at HttpDeployer_API.

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