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How to add pages to the Jakarta EE wiki
How do I add a page to the Jakarta EE wiki ?
The Eclipse Wiki is running on MediaWiki. Adding a page is described in their Help wiki here:
If you'd like there to be a more obvious way to add a new page, please vote for this bug.
How should I name my pages ?
A good advice is to keep it short but expressive. For pages related to Jakarta EE it does not hurt, when Jakarta EE is in the page title.
How do I add my page to the Jakarta EE Category ?
For pages to appear in the Jakarta EE category add the following to the bottom of the wiki page:
Please note: a page can have multiple categories.
Why do I have to wait for a moderator to approve my page?
To prevent vandalism, the first edit of each user is moderated. There are ~20 moderators, most of them Eclipse Foundation staff.
How will I know when the moderator has approved my page?
Unfortunately, users will not be notified, when their edit was accepted or rejected.