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Higgins Development Processes


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Changes to Component Interfaces (APIs)

  1. Discuss proposed changes on higgins-dev and gather consensus.
  2. Locally implement the agreed-upon change (may take days or weeks).
  3. Announce to higgins-dev that the change is ready.
  4. Announce that the changes will be checked in on a certain date. Negotiate with others on the date as required.
  5. Barring any further contention, check in on the agreed-upon date.

Changes to a Component You Don't Own

  1. If changes are required in Components other than one you own, you must email the owner(s) the set of attached diffs cc--ing higgins-dev
  2. Wait for approval from the owner(s) before checking in

Announcements of Significant Changes

  • Committers should post to higgins-dev when they make changes of general interest to other Higgins committers

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