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Hamburg DemoCamp
Aqui (Spanish restaurant)
Schanzenstraße 36
20357 Hamburg
Public transport (HVV):
- Station Sternschanze (U3, S3, S31, S21)
- Station Feldstraße (U3)
Date and Time
December 17, 2007
5:00 pm
- Marko Boger, CEO of Gentleware AG
- Peter Friese, Gentleware AG & Committer to oAW and Eclipse
If you would like to present at a DemoCamp, please feel free to add your name and topic to the list. Depending on the number of people interested we may have to limit the number of presenters and time of each demo.
- "Xtext, a framework for textual DSLs" (Sven Efftinge - itemis AG, Eclipse Committer)
- "How to increase Code Quality using Eclipse" (André Fleischer - otto group)
- "Sophora, next generation content management system" (Tom Quellenberg - subshell GmbH)
- (verschoben auf das nächste DemoCamp) "Eclipse Persistence Services (EclipseLink)" (Sebastian Sanitz - akquinet agile GmbH)
- "Obfuscate4e - Integration of obfuscation into the Plugin build process" (Volker Leck - PartMaster GmbH)
- "Building a minimal-invasive model repository for EMF / GMF based diagram editors" (Simon Zambrovski and Helge Klimek, TU Hamburg-Harburg) (presentation video & sheets)
- "MarkEd, a plugin to protect your source code when using generators" (Uwe Petschke - ObjectFab GmbH)
- "CatChaser: MDSD for Lego Mindstorms" (Frank Zimmermann - Nordakademie)
- "MetamodelDoc: a metamodel documentator" (Enrico Schnepel, b+m Informatik GmbH Berlin) - as a substitute for "Eclipse Persistence Services"
Who Is Attending
If you plan on attending please add your name to the list below. We'd like to see as many people show up as possible.
- Marko Boger, Gentleware AG (XING)
- Peter Friese, Gentleware AG (XING)
- Stefan Zeug, Gentleware AG (XING)
- Simon Zambrovski, TUHH / Lufthansa Systems AG (XING)
- Christoph Fröhlich / Folge2 (XING)
- Christian Matzat / Folge2 (XING)
- Miguel Garcia (Tech Univ Hamburg-Harburg)
- André Fleischer, otto group (XING)
- Reza Nazarian, Resco GmbH (XING)
- Oliver Ochs, Resco GmbH (XING)
- Tom Quellenberg, subshell GmbH (XING)
- Karsten Panier, Signal Iduna Gruppe (XING)
- Ingo Meyer, IP-Design Consulting (XING)
- Lars Maehlmann, Signal Iduna Gruppe (XING)
- Martin Schmid, Florian Müller GmbH (bis 31.12.2007) (XING)
- Uwe Petschke, ObjectFab GmbH (XING)
- Helge Klimek, TUHH (XING)
- Frank Zimmermann (Nordakademie) (Profil)
- Benjamin Diedrichsen (Nordakademie, Otto Versand)
- Benjamin Leipold (Otto Versand)
- Tom Stahl (b+m Informatik AG) (XING)
- Carsten Robitzki (b+m Informatik AG) (XING)
- Jochen Meyer (b+m Informatik AG) (XING)
- Frank Gasdorf (IDP Dr. Stein GmbH) (XING)
- Alexander Karnstedt (IDP Dr. Stein GmbH) (XING)
- Jörn Dinkla (Dipl.-Inform. Jörn Dinkla) (XING)
- Heiko Behrens, AF Software GmbH (XING)
- Sebastian Zarnekow, AF Software GmbH (XING)
- Oliver Ihns, Holisticon AG (XING)
- Enrico Schnepel, b+m Informatik GmbH Berlin (XING)
- Daniel Dietrich (b+m Informatik AG) (XING)
- Carsten Teich (b+m Informatik AG)
- Marco Pöhler ( GmbH) (XING)
- Asaf Ikram (Gentleware AG) (XING)
- Reiner Berg (FLUXX AG)
- Markus Berg (Hessischer Rundfunk)
- Veith Ulrich (Hessischer Rundfunk)
- Stefan Hänsgen, Gentleware AG (XING)
- Jan Köhnlein, Gentleware AG(XING)
- Sven von Pluto (HAW Hamburg)
- Volker Leck, PartMaster GmbH (XING)
- Steffen Nowacki, PartMaster GmbH (XING)
- André Schade PartMaster GmbH (XING)
- Dirk Rüdiger PartMaster GmbH (XING)
- Steffen Gemkow, ObjectFab GmbH (XING)
- Pascal Weyprecht, ObjectFab GmbH
- Axel Scheithauer (XING)
- Mariya Denysova, Gentleware AG (XING)
- Björn Jensen, JUGHH / Harman/Becker Automotive Systems (XING)
- Moritz Eysholdt, (Itemis AG, Universitaet Oldenburg) (XING)
- Christian Hager (XING)
- Heiko Behrens, BeamApp (XING)