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Global Model
Running a Global Model
To run large or Global scale simulations in STEM, you will need to increase the heap size available to the STEM JVM. This will require a 64 bit machine - and probably a scientific workstation rather than a laptop.
The method for increasing the heap size depends on which operating system you are using:
Mac OS X:
From the folder you unzipped STEM, access the STEM.ini file located under Open the file in a text editor and change the line -Xmx1024M to a larger number. For instance, to give 4 GB of maximum heap size to the STEM application change the line to -Xmx4096M.
From the folder where you unzipped STEM (same location where the STEM executable is located), open the STEM.ini file and modify the -Xmx1024M line to increase the maximum heap size to any value you desire. For instance, to give 4 GB of maximum heap size to the STEM application change the line to -Xmx4096M.
Please Note
To set the maximum heap size to anything larger than 1024 MB, you must be running a 64 bit operating system.