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Generating anonymous psf file using PERL script
- Save the following script as
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use IO::File; use strict; my $cvsloc = ""; my %RES = (); my %PROJECTS = (); my %DONE = (); my $fh; sub generatePSF { my $p = shift; print STDOUT "Generating ${p}.psf\n"; $fh = new IO::File("${p}.psf", "w") or die $!; print $fh <<PSF; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <psf version="2.0"> <provider id=""> PSF %DONE = (); getDependencies($p); print $fh <<PSF2; </provider> </psf> PSF2 close($fh); } sub getDependencies { my ($id) = shift; my %deps = getDependenciesFromCVS($id); print $fh "<project reference=\"1.0,$RES{$id}{REPLOC},$RES{$id}{PATH},$id,$RES{$id}{VERSION}\"/>\n" unless $DONE{$id}; $DONE{$id}++; foreach my $d(keys %{$deps{$id}}) { getDependencies($d) unless $DONE{$d}; } } sub getDependenciesFromCVS { my ($pn) = shift; my %DEP = (); return %DEP unless $pn; my $dependencies_xml_url = "${cvsloc}/$RES{$pn}{PATH}/dependencies.xml?root=Technology_Project\\\&view=co"; my $dependencies_xml_local = "${pn}.dependencies.xml"; system("wget -o wget.tmp -O $dependencies_xml_local $dependencies_xml_url"); open(D, $dependencies_xml_local) or die $!; my $proj = ""; while(my $ln = <D>) { chomp $ln; if($ln =~ /<dependencies/) { ($proj) = $ln =~ /id=\"(.*?)\"/; $proj =~ s/\s+//g; } elsif($ln =~ /<project/) { my ($dep) = $ln =~ /id=\"(.*?)\"/; $dep =~ s/\s+//g; $DEP{$proj}{$dep} = 1; } } close(D); unlink("wget.tmp"); unlink($dependencies_xml_local); return %DEP; } if(@ARGV < 3) { print "Usage: $0 project_name path_to_projects_xml path_to_resourcelocation_xml\n"; exit(0); } my ($project_name, $project_xml, $resourceloc_xml) = @ARGV; open(P, $project_xml) or die $!; while(my $ln = <P>) { chomp $ln; if($ln =~ /id=/) { my ($id) = $ln =~ /id=\"(.*?)\"/; $id =~ s/\s+//g; $PROJECTS{$id} = 1; } } close(P); my $found = 0; my $buf = ""; open(R, $resourceloc_xml) or die $!; while(my $ln = <R>) { chomp $ln; if($ln =~ /<project/) { $found = 1; $buf = ""; } elsif($ln =~ /<\/project>/) { $found = 0; my ($id) = $buf =~ /id=\"(.*?)\"/; $id =~ s/\s+//g; my ($ver) = $buf =~ /<version>(.*?)<\/version>/; $ver =~ s/\s+//g; my ($reploc) = $buf =~ /<repositoryLocation>(.*?)<\/repositoryLocation>/; $reploc =~ s/\s+//g; my ($path) = $buf =~ /<path>(.*?)<\/path>/; $path =~ s/\s+//g; $RES{$id}{VERSION} = $ver; $RES{$id}{REPLOC} = $reploc; $RES{$id}{PATH} = $path; #print "$id ** $ver ** $reploc ** $path\n"; } if($found) { $buf .= $ln; } } close(R); if($project_name eq "all") { foreach my $p(keys %PROJECTS) { generatePSF($p); } } else { generatePSF($project_name); }
- Download projects.xml and resourceLocation.xml to local directory from
- run to generate {project_name}.psf file
./ project_name path_to_projects_xml path_to_resourcelocation_xml e.g: ./ org.eclipse.higgins.idas.cp.jndi projects.xml resourceLocation.xml or ./ all projects.xml resourceLocation.xml
If you pass project_name=all, the script will generate psf for all projects in projects.xml, otherwise it will generate psf for the project specified
Note: This script requires PERL and wget installed on your machine. You can get both PERL and wget by installing cygwin from on Windows