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Eclipse IDE
To compile and run the projects in Eclipse, you have to open the gemini.dbaccess.targetdef project, open the file with the Target Editor and execute "Set as Target Platform"
Maven Build
- install Maven 3.
- go into the directory mvn_parent/
- run the build and tests by entering on the command line:
- mvn clean install
Tips and Tricks for Maven Builds
You may need to configure the proxy settings. In case you are behind a firewall, edit the file /mvn_parent/settings.xml and replace the TODOs with the right proxy settings. If you have configured the settings.xml:
- go into the directory mvn_parent/
- run on the command line:
- mvn -fae -s settings.xml clean install
Static Code Analysis for Maven Builds
If you add findbugs:findbugs at the end of the command line, you will find information from findbugs in the different /target directories:
- mvn clean install findbugs:findbugs
Note: This could be aggregated and displayed in late stage by Hudson.
Some remarks on what the Maven build does:
- the folder /mvn_parent contains a pom.xml which is the "parent" of all subprojects. Every bundle which is build has its own pom.xml file
- Maven builds every bundle. Result are in the /target folder of the respective directory.
- features, which include the bundles of the supported database platforms are also built.
- an update site is generated: /gemini.dbaccess.updatesite . You find the p2 repository under /target/site/ a p2 containing the features and all plugins included.