Notice: This Wiki is now read only and edits are no longer possible. Please see: for the plan.
Requirements For Participation
Projects that are part of Europa agree to abide by the following requirements.
Must Do
These are required for participation:
- File:Checkmark-10x10.gif The projects must work together. This means that one should be able to load any subset of the Europa projects into Eclipse and each of the loaded projects should be able to pass all the same tests as if it had been loaded independently.
- File:Checkmark-10x10.gif Projects must have build process maturity and their own functional project update site - the Europa site will reference these sites, not replace them.
- File:Checkmark-10x10.gif Projects must use 4-part version numbers.
- File:Checkmark-10x10.gif N/A Any third-party plug-ins that are common between projects must be consumed via Orbit; the final Europa release will not have duplicate third-party libraries (note that this only applies to identical versions of the libraries; thus if project A requires foo.jar 1.6 and project B uses foo.jar 1.7, that's ok).
- File:Checkmark-10x10.gif All plug-ins must correctly list their required JVM versions in the manifest/plugin.xml. See the wiki page about selecting the correct JVM [1].
- File:Checkmark-10x10.gif Project representatives must attend the planning meetings and conference calls - you have to be involved to be involved.
- File:Checkmark-10x10.gif At least one person from each project must subscribe to cross-project bug inbox, i.e. edit Bugzilla prefs to watch ""
- File:Checkmark-10x10.gif User:Nickb Build team members from each project will provide communication channels: phone, mail, IM, IRC and will be available during to-be-specified crucial integration times
- File:Checkmark-10x10.gif Projects must have stated and demonstrated their intent to join Europa by the M4+0 date. Projects do so by adding themselves to the table/list above, along with their contact information.
- File:Checkmark-10x10.gif Projects should have a written ramp down policy. (One of the issues identified with this guideline is that its not so much the ramp down policy of how many votes are needed for each bug fix that we need to be consistent on, but rather the meaning of each of the milestones and release candidates. Here [2] is the Platform 3.2 ramp down policy as a guideline for other projects.)
- File:Checkmark-10x10.gif Projects must have their IP approved (a normal Eclipse requirement) and will follow the Eclipse Legal deadlines to do so.
Should Do
These are recommended for participating projects:
- File:Checkmark-10x10.gif (except doc plugins) Projects should have jar'ed plug-ins because this is good Eclipse citizenship.
Projects should use Eclipse message bundles, not Java bundles because this is a good Eclipse citizenship. (see Message Bundle Conversion Tool and [3])
- File:Checkmark-10x10.gif Build reproducibility? Require that projects be buildable by community members. Should be identical bits (but not required). All build assets and documentation in CVS/Subversion.
- ? Non-project-team-members should be able to build each project.
- File:Checkmark-10x10.gif Non-project-team-members should be able to run unit tests on each project.
- ? Source tarballs should be created for Linux distros to build with.
- File:Checkmark-10x10.gif link Should have new & noteworthy for each milestone. Should be something readable and usable not just a static list of all the bugs. Corollary: individual new & noteworthy should be linked in to the collective New & Noteworthy.
- File:Checkmark-10x10.gif N/A Projects should use ICU4J when appropriate.
- File:Checkmark-10x10.gif link Projects should provide build RSS feeds as per the build workshop.
Projects should optimize their update site using pack200 to reduce bandwidth utilization and provide a better update experience for users. Additionally, they should do site digesting.
Projects should use signed plugins using the Eclipse certificate.