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3.5 Milestone Plans
RC1 - May 15, 2009
- Accessibility issues
- Bug fixing
M7 - May 1, 2009 - Development Freeze
- High value polish issues
- Repo selection polish
- Autocomplete in repo combo
- Provide discovery for disabled sites
- Better client side validation
- Misc bugs involving missing schemes, leading/trailing slash issues
- Better explanation when UI filters out content
- Repo error reporting improvements, allow user to correct bad locations
- Layout work - remembering user sizes and column widths, etc.
- UI support for late-breaking core features
- consider additional enhancements in resolve error/explanation space Bug 261928
- refactor wizard page flow to report errors on page that allows selection modification
- consider UI implications of install handlers Bug 266061
- consider UI implications of patches appearing as updates Bug 245299
- Accessibility issues - deferred to RC1
- Bug fixing
- Product configuration examples
- RCP product with p2 SDK UI
- RCP product with p2 SDK UI, but no auto updates
- RCP product updating from "cloud" (user cannot change/modify the repos accessed)
- Alternate IU visibility (plug-ins instead of features)
- Silent/automatic updating, user never sees the update UI, it just happens (but may need confirmation, restart dialog, etc.)
- App that reuses unmodified p2.user.ui feature can still contribute a policy
Past 3.4.x Maintenance Streams
- Improved progress reporting and honoring cancellation requests
- Improved presentation of errors (resizability, formatting)
- Fix confusing restart language
- Annoying /low risk bugs
- Refresh artifact repos when metadata repos are refreshed
- Enable a site when a user adds a disabled one (workaround until core fixes in 3.5)
- NLS formatting fixes (awaiting NL team verification)
Past 3.5 Milestones
M1 - Aug 8, 2008
- UI/Usability
- Usability review of general strategy (modality, overall organization, etc.)
- Walkthrough with Eclipse UIWG
- Solicit usability and user persona input from product teams
- Write concrete user personas to guide use cases
- Bugs
- Bring 3.4.1 fixes into 3.5 stream
M2 - Sep 19, 2008
- UI/Usability
- Develop use cases based on user persona input
- Investigate integration of installed view with about dialog
- Develop mockups for new workflows and solicit feedback
- Performance/Stability
- revisit checkbox/filter/deferred fetch strategy Bug 233269 (continuing in M3)
- investigate resolution in the background Bug 236495 (continuing in the scope of new workflows in M3)
M3 - Oct 31, 2008
- UI/Usability
- Complete new workflows (installed view may not yet be integrated with about dialog)
- Begin improved implementation of installed view Bug 224472
- Allow drill-down in installed view of requirements that are visible as groups
- Identify any necessary metadata changes to make this simpler/better (see Bug 227675)
- Performance/Stability
- finalize checkbox/filter/deferred fetch strategy Bug 233269
- Better/faster filtering without graying out filter box (postponed to M4)
- Eliminate "duplicate nodes" problem on first repo read
- resolution in the background to be provided as part of new workflows Bug 236495
- Investigate repo adding/loading performance issues and identify necessary changes to core Bug 236485
M4 - Dec 12, 2008
- UI/Usability
- Finish up installed view changes
- Complete integration of installed view with about dialog
- Install drill-down info also shown in install/update wizards Bug 250862
- Investigate the ability to provide optional/related content Bug 247342. (Decision is not to do anything at this time)
- Investigate better affordances in available view to show already installed, available updates, etc. Bug 216032
- Complete initial model/collector work needed to distinguish status and improve "already installed" filtering Bug 210583 and Bug 232632
- Performance/Stability
- finalize checkbox/filter/deferred fetch strategy Bug 233269
- Better/faster filtering without graying out filter box
- Usability+Performance
- More selective loading of repos when sites are added Bug 236485
- Separation of contributions from the rest of the code Bug 221760
- Ability to reassemble groups (available, installed, history, repo management) into new locations (pref page vs. wizard, etc.)
M5 - Jan 30, 2009 - Major Feature Freeze
- UI/Usability
- improved error reporting and explanation of problems between the planner and the UI Bug 218055
- complete integration of p2 installation pages with about dialog (requires refactoring on Platform UI side)
- misc polish bugs
- better presentation of repositories
- Access to sites from all workflows Bug 250316
- improve presentation of enabled/disabled repositories Bug 218534
- Implementation for available view affordances Bug 216032
- Revert UI improvements
- history view integrated into about dialog Bug 250316, see Mockups
- background job/progress reporting/UI freeze issues
- Ability to reassemble groups (available, installed, history, repo management) into new locations (pref page vs. wizard, etc.)
M6 - Mar 12, 2009 - API Freeze
- UI/Usability
- Better support of disconnected user during install
- Wizard should open immediately
- Resolve against only the scoped repos
- UI changes to support site-qualified category ids and versions
- complete integration of p2 installation pages with about dialog (The work to be done is in Platform UI, not p2)
- copy/paste support in various views
- user naming of repos
- misc bugs
- misc. API/code cleanup bugs
Deferred Items
- Ability to install/uninstall user-named groups of IU's
- Separation of product base vs. "add-ons" Bug 215398
- Fast-path install scenarios Bug 223264
- consider proposed license UI Bug 217944
Major Features
- User's environment is defined explicitly by someone external (administrator)
- Upgrade or install to a new specification
- Compare current installation to required one
- Core/UI responsibilities
- should UI be the one coordinating provisioning operations vs. having scheduling rules Bug 218216
- batched repo events
- Supported API for all UI building blocks
- Individual wizards, dialogs, commands
- consider handlers vs. actions for UI pluggability/are some command ID's contracts (so clients can invoke UI by id)
- Content and label providers
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