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Equinox p2 - Building
Workspace Setup
The build has been integrated into the Eclipse SDK builds so the build scripts are located in the Eclipse SDK Releng team's eclipsebuilder project. We will modify a few of the property values before we are able to run the build. Check out the project from CVS with the following information:
server: repository: /cvsroot/eclipse project: org.eclipse.releng.eclipsebuilder
Next create a new file org.eclipse.releng.eclipse.builder/equinox/buildConfigs/equinox.prov/local_run.xml
with the following contents:
<project name="local run" default="run"> <target name="run"> <tstamp> <format property="buildId" pattern="yyyyMMdd-HHmm" /> </tstamp> <property name="postingDirectory" value="/home/username" /> <property name="p2.root" value="${postingDirectory}" /> <property name="p2.output.base" value="${p2.root}/" /> <property name="equinoxPostingDirectory" value="${p2.output.base}" /> <property name="java15-home" value="/path/to/java/sun_1.5.0-sr11/jre" /> <property name="buildLabel" value="${buildId}" /> <property name="build.timestamp" value="I20071031-0800" /> <property name="sdk.archive" value="/path/to/eclipse-SDK-${build.timestamp}-linux-gtk.tar.gz" /> <property name="rcp.archive" value="/path/to/eclipse-RCP-${build.timestamp}-linux-gtk.tar.gz" /> <property name="" value="/path/to/eclipse-RCP-${build.timestamp}" /> <property name="" value="/path/to/${build.timestamp}.zip" /> <property name="updateSite" value="/path/to/update/site" /> <mkdir dir="${updateSite}" /> <ant antfile="run.xml"/> <property name="p2.result" value="/path/to/result/dir" /> <property name="p2.result.builds" value="${p2.result}/builds/${buildLabel}" /> <mkdir dir="${p2.result.builds}" /> <copy todir="${p2.result.builds}"> <fileset dir="${p2.output.base}/${buildId}"> <include name="**/*" /> </fileset> </copy> </target> </project>
Make sure you download the appropriate files and change all the paths in the file you just created!
Next you will create a new Eclipse Application and run the AntRunner and point it to your new file:
- Run Settings...
- create new Eclipse Application
- change the application to be
- add the build file to the command-line arguments:
-buildfile ${resource_loc:/org.eclipse.releng.eclipsebuilder/equinox/buildConfigs/equinox.prov/local_run.xml}
Note: you must have the CVS executable available from the command-line in order for the checkout to work.
Then run your new launch configuration to build.
- The Agent zip will be in ${prov.output.base}/equinox-prov-agent-<timestamp>
- The Metadata and Artifact repositories will be in ${prov.output.base}/servers
What Happens
- build features for the director, metadata generator, and self-hosting bundles
- build the agent from a product
- generate the metadata for the agent
- run the director and install the agent from the generated metadata and artifacts
- zip up the agent install
- generate the metadata for the self-hosting bundles and Eclipse SDK
- integrate with the regular Platform builds
- write code to determine the output file of the build
- should enhance so instead of building several different things, we should build one big feature and then use the packager to put together the things that we need