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Equinox/p2/License Mechanism
This working document describes the problems with and intended solutions for the existing licensing mechanism.
Problem Description
The two problems with the current license mechanism are:
- Authoring
- Each time a license changes, two changes must be made in every feature. A feature.xml change and a license.html resource change.
- The formats of the two files are different, preventing a simple copy/paste exercise.
- There may be several files in a feature associated with licensing. For example, our features seem to contain a license.html file and an epl-v10.html file
- Repetition of license text in the meta data repository
- Each feature in the meta data repository has an inlined copy of the license text which may be causing performance issues. (Each feature actually has license text inlined twice in the meta data. Once in the IU and once in the feature.jar IU. This may just be a bug that needs to be fixed)
Solution Proposal
It is suggested that these two issues be decoupled and solved independantly.
Authoring Solution
The authoring problem can be addressed by PDE build at build time.
- All license.html files are removed from the feature definitions under source code control.
- Features are changed such that they optionaly point at a license URI instead of specifying their own license text.
- PDE build is changed so that at build time the license is retrieved from the location referenced by the license URI
- The retrieved license information is used to generate the license.html file and injected into the feature.xml file.
- The feature build process and P2 repository generation process proceed as normal.
It was suggested that the license URI would point to a server that would download the license information at build time. It would be the users responsibility to manage what information was served by the server at build time.
I feel pretty strongly that the license needs to be under version control so that builds are reliable and reproducable. Arguably specifing an arbitrary URI does not prevent the user from doing this but I believe it provides too much leeway and too little guidance resulting in a brittle (server down) and not reproducable (no control over license content from build to build) build process.
I propose that the license information be contained in a License Project. The License Project would be created in Eclipse and placed under version control. This will allow current feature tooling and future P2 tooling to present the user with licenses to choose from when defining the license for a feature or IU.
The feature or IU will not reference a particular version of the License Project. Instead, the correct version of the license will be checked out of version control at build time using the customer's regular mechanism for specifiying check out tags. This will allow the user to change the vesion of the a license with a single build time change while preserving the integrity and reproducability of builds.
Question: Are there any rules about the license information for features needing to reside in the repository in the same location as the feature itself? That is, if a user does a CVS check-out on a feature does the feature license have to be checked out at the same time/available at the same location?
Answer: I got a couple of names at from Duong and have sent email asking the question
License Artifacts
The license feature may contain one or more artificats. These include files such as:
- license.html
- epl-v10.html
- ...
These files will exist in the repository as part of the new "License Feature". These files must be included in the License Features file just as any binary file that requires inclusion must be. These files will not be referenced explicitly in the of the Payload Feature. Instead, at build time the Payload Feature will include all files in its own plus all files from its referenced License Feature's file EXCEPT for:
- feature.xml
Root File Build Properties
A feature may include root entries in the file that allows files to be installed in the products root directory. Since these files may be license files a mechanism for dealing with this is required.
- At author time the files will exist in the License Feature
- The files will be in the bin.includes of the License Feature's build properties
- The files will not be root entries in the License Feature. The "rootness" of a file is a property of a feature or product, not a feature of a license.
- The files will be root entires in the Payload Feature
- As above, the files will not be in the Payload Feature's bin.includes
At build time the implementation will need a hint to locate a root entry that exists in a referenced license feature. This hint will be provided by an extension to the Root File syntax. We will support the new keywoard license. Examples are:
- root=license:file:license.html
- license:bar
Repetition in Meta data repository
Since the above proposed authouring solution does not change the meta data generation, the license text will be duplicated in line for each feature in the repository.
The first order of business should be investigation to determine if the repeated licenses is actually a significant problem requiring a fix. There are several pieces of technology in place that may be mitigating the issue. It could be that the repeated license while appearing problematic does not, in fact, pose a serious performance problem.
These existing mitigating technologies are:
- Zipped meta data.
- On disk, and in transmission the meta data is zipped. Presumably repeated identical licenses within a single file compress very will.
- String Tables
- In memory, P2 uses string tables. Mutliple identical licenses should not grow memory foot print beyond that needed to store string table references.
That being said, there are still potential runtime performance issues:
- Reading and unzipping the content.jar file.
- Performance of string table with very large strings. Since each license is a relativly large string resolving a reference in the string table requires the execution of the degenerate path of String.equals(). With enough copies of a license in the string table there may be noticable perforamnce problems resolving each refrence.
The true performance impact of the repeated license should be determined. It could be the case that although the repeated license text appears to have significant footprint and performance issues, the reality may be otherwise.
Question: What is our approach going to be to see if these are really issues? Performance tests? Profiling? etc.