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Eclipse Tools Day Grenoble 2019
🇬🇧 Engage in the local Eclipse-ecosystem Tools developer community this fall in Grenoble. We'll share knowledge about tools projects (editors, IDEs, Modeling...) that leverage Eclipse technologies like Eclipse Platform, EMF, LSP4J, Che...
Additionally to the multiple high-quality technical presentations, the event is also and above everything an opportunity to meet local experts and project leads.
Presentations may be performed in French or English, as preferred by each speaker.
🇫🇷 Venez rencontrer la communauté locale des développeurs d'outils dans l'écosystème Eclipse cet automne à Grenoble. Nous y échangerons à propos de projets d'outillage (éditeurs, EDI, Modélisation...) basés sur des technologies Eclipse telles que Eclipse Platform, EMF, LSP4J, Eclipse Che...
En plus des présentation techniques de haute qualité, cet événement est aussi et avant tout une occasion de rencontrer des experts et chefs de projet de la région.
Les présentations peuvent avoir lieu en Français ou en Anglais, selon la préférence des intervenants.
Previous Tools EclipseDays and DemoCamps in Grenoble: 2015, 2013, 2012, 2011.
Last IoT Days in Grenoble: February 2019
- 1 💬 Languages
- 2 📅 Date, ⌚ time, 📍 location
- 3 📛 Registration
- 4 👩🏫 Program
- 4.1 Agenda
- 4.2 📢 Proposed session
- 4.2.1 *The* Eclipse IDE in a browser, in the ☁️, in Che; no dev, pure Ops
- 4.2.2 Language Server Protocol and Debug Adapter Protocol to the rescue of Web Development in Eclipse IDE: meet Eclipse Wild Web Developer
- 4.2.3 A brief history of Collections
- 4.2.4 Pimp my RCP, or an e4 migration success
- 4.2.5 Feedback from an Eclipse plugin developer to provide support to large set of IDE based on Language Server Protocol
- 4.2.6 Eclipse IIoT: 4diac, Industrial device.
- 4.2.7 What's new in the open source ecosystem of the Eclipse Foundation
- 4.2.8 Introduction to the ECD (Eclipse Cloud Development) Working Group
- 4.2.9 A new integrated development platform for STM32 embedded solutions: STM32CubeIDE
- 4.2.10 Meeduse - a tool to mix EMF-based tools (Sirius, XText) with formal reasoning techniques
- 4.2.11 Eclipse Che 7 - New & Noteworthy
- 4.2.12 Eclipse Che 7 - Move your VS Code extension into Eclipse Che
- 4.2.13 Jupyter Notebook and Eclipse: do modeling with a script-based prototyping approach
- 4.2.14 Digital League accompagne les entreprises de la filière Numérique en région Aura
- 4.3 👨🔬 Program Committee
- 5 👷 Organizers
💬 Languages
Presentations may be performed in 🇫🇷 French or 🇬🇧 English, as preferred by each speaker.
📅 Date, ⌚ time, 📍 location
The Eclipse Tools Day Grenoble 2019 will take place:
- 📅 Tuesday, November 19th
- ⌚ From 8:00 to 17:00
- 📍 Batiment LIG/IMAG, Campus Saint Martin d'Heres (⚠️ not UFR IMAG, nor ENSIMAG)
🥨 Beverages, snacks and lunch are provided to registered participants (courtesy of Eclipse Foundation)
📛 Registration
Admission is free and open to anyone but registration via MeetUp is mandatory since number of seats is limited. When you are registered and realize that you can't make it, please unregister. Registered people one week prior to the event and that are finally unable to attend are kindly asked to donate EUR 10 to the Eclipse Foundation.
👩🏫 Program
Time | Activity | Speaker | Slides | |
8h - 8h30 | Opening time - chill, grap a ☕, 👋 say hi to your old Eclipse friends and meet new ones | |||
8h30 - 8h45 | General introduction | Mickael Istria (Red Hat) | ||
8h45 - 9h30 | Eclipse Che 7 - New & Noteworthy | Florent Benoit (Red Hat) | slides | |
9h30 - 10h | Meeduse - a tool to mix EMF-based tools (Sirius, XText) with formal reasoning techniques | Akram Idani (LIG) | slides | |
10h - 10h30 | Feedback from an Eclipse plugin developer to provide support to large set of IDE based on Language Server Protocol | Aurelien Pupier (Red Hat) | slides | |
10h30 - 11h | ☕ Break | |||
11h - 11h30 | Language Server Protocol and Debug Adapter Protocol to the rescue of Web Development in Eclipse IDE: meet Eclipse Wild Web Developer | Mickael Istria (Red Hat) | (no slides) | |
11h30 - 11h50 | *The* Eclipse IDE in a browser, in the ☁️, in Che; no dev, pure Ops | Mickael Istria (Red Hat) | (no slides) | |
11h50 - 12h | Digital League accompagne les entreprises de la filière Numérique en région Aura | Emmanuelle Hugot (Digital League) | (no slides) | |
12h - 14h | 🥪 Lunch sponsored by the Eclipse Foundation | |||
14h - 14h30 | Introduction to the ECD (Eclipse Cloud Development) Working Group | Gael Blondelle (Eclipse Foundation) | ||
14h30 - 15h | Pimp my RCP, or an e4 migration success | Laurent Caron (Akuiteo) | slides | |
15h - 15h30 | A new integrated development platform for STM32 embedded solutions: STM32CubeIDE | Vincent Grenet (ST Microelectronics) | slides | |
15h30 - 16h | ☕ Break | |||
16h - 16h30 | Jupyter Notebook and Eclipse: do modeling with a script-based prototyping approach | Sebastien Revol (CEA) | slides | |
16h30 - 17h | Eclipse IIoT: 4diac, Industrial device. | Sylvain Pastor (Rtone) | slides |
📢 Proposed session
The agenda will feature most of the submitted sessions below. The #👨🔬 Program Committee is currently sorting out and organizing the program according to submitted sessions.
*The* Eclipse IDE in a browser, in the ☁️, in Che; no dev, pure Ops
- Language: 🇫🇷 or 🇬🇧 (as preferred by the Program Committee)
- Title: *The* Eclipse IDE in a browser, in the ☁️, in Che; no dev, pure Ops
- Speaker: Mickael Istria (Red Hat Inc.)
- Format: 20 minutes demo
- Synopsis: In this presentation, I'll demo Eclipse IDE running in a web browser. Relying on the solid GTK stack and its standard Broadway renderer for HTML5, it's now possible to make the browser a rendering terminal for the Eclipse IDE, or any Eclipse RCP application. We'll show this in action locally, on a Linux machine; then we'll have a look at how this can be successfully configured as a Docker image, and finally we'll see how this approach allows to easily include the Eclipse IDE in Cloud solutions like Eclipse Che.
- Slides: (no slides)
Language Server Protocol and Debug Adapter Protocol to the rescue of Web Development in Eclipse IDE: meet Eclipse Wild Web Developer
- Language: 🇫🇷 or 🇬🇧 (as preferred by the Program Committee)
- Title: Language Server Protocol and Debug Adapter Protocol to the rescue of Web Development in Eclipse IDE: meet Eclipse Wild Web Developer
- Speaker: Mickael Istria (Red Hat Inc.)
- Format: 20 minutes demo + 5 minutes Q&A
- Synopsis: The state of Web (HTML, CSS, JS...) development in Eclipse IDE used to be bad. Indeed, some internal parsers had to be maintained to follow the frequent and major changes in those standards; the developer community behind them couldn't catch up, leading tools to a pretty bad and outdated state. Fortunately, the rise of technologies like TextMate grammars, Language Servers and Debug Adapters as reusable components have allowed Eclipse ecosystem to catch up with the best tools for web development. By integrating pieces of VSCode and others and with a relatively small investment, Eclipse Wild Web Developer provides a quite comfortable and efficient tool set for a wide variety of web-based projects. In this presentation, we'll demo Wild Web Developer in practicie, explaining as we demo how the LSP/DAP world is leveraged to enable those productive workflows.
- Note to Program Committee: If this is included in the program and there is some other presentation which introduce the Language Server Protocol and/or the Debug Adapter Protocol, then it's better to put this talk *after* the introduction so audience will better understand some internal details.
- Slides: (no slides)
A brief history of Collections
- Language: 🇫🇷 or 🇬🇧 (as preferred by the Program Committee)
- Title: A brief history of Collections
- Speaker: Laurent CARON (Akuiteo)
- Format: 20 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A
- Synopsis: A few month ago, I've discovered Eclipse Collections, and I simply fell in love with it. This presentation will show you why you should give up Guave and Streams :)
Pimp my RCP, or an e4 migration success
- Language: 🇫🇷 or 🇬🇧 (as preferred by the Program Committee)
- Title: Pimp my RCP, or an e4 migration success
- Speaker: Laurent CARON (Akuiteo)
- Format: 20 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A
- Synopsis: In this presentation, I'll present you the result of a successful e4 migration, and how a mix of CSS styling, use of presentation manager and nice open source libraries can completely change the design of an RCP application.
- Slides:
Feedback from an Eclipse plugin developer to provide support to large set of IDE based on Language Server Protocol
- Language: 🇫🇷 or 🇬🇧 (as preferred by the audience)
- Title: Feedback from an Eclipse plugin developer to provide support to large set of IDE based on Language Server Protocol
- Speaker: Aurélien Pupier (Red Hat)
- Format: 20 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A
- Synopsis: My team, composed of "pure Eclipse plugin developer", started (slowly) 2 years ago to implement a Language Server Protocol implementation for Apache Camel using LSP4J. We are now supporting several features and are available easily in several IDEs/editors (Eclipse Desktop IDE, Eclipse Che, VS Code, Atom, Sublime Text, Eclipse Theia, CodeMirror). I will provide feedback from this journey and discuss upcoming challenges.
- Slides:
Eclipse IIoT: 4diac, Industrial device.
- Language: 🇫🇷
- Title: How to create an open source PLC using 4diac framework
- Speaker: Sylvain PASTOR (Rtone)
- Format: 20 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A or demo
- Synopsis: In this presentation, I will show you how to use the 4diac framework to create an open source PLC (Programmatic Logic Controller). How to install the runtime engine in a custom device (Customized input/output control) and its programming with 4diac IDE.
- Slides:
What's new in the open source ecosystem of the Eclipse Foundation
- Language: 🇫🇷 or 🇬🇧 (as preferred by the Program Committee)
- Title: What's new in the open source ecosystem of the Eclipse Foundation
- Speaker: Gaël Blondelle (Eclipse Foundation Europe)
- Format: 20 minutes
- Synopsis: The Eclipse ecosystem evolves fast, with the creation of several Working Groups, and new leading initiatives. This talk will give you an overview of the Eclipse Foundation (Spoiler: Yes, there is much more than the Eclipse IDE!), especially how the Eclipse Foundation helps more and more companies use and produce open source.
- Slides:
Introduction to the ECD (Eclipse Cloud Development) Working Group
- Language: 🇫🇷 or 🇬🇧 (as preferred by the Program Committee)
- Title: Introduction to the ECD (Eclipse Cloud Development) Working Group
- Speaker: Gaël Blondelle (Eclipse Foundation Europe)
- Format: 20 minutes
- Synopsis: Eclipse Che and Eclipse Theia, are the core of a new revolution in tools. Recently, Eclipse Che released a version presented as the "Cloude IDE for Kubernetes". Let's give a look at the collaborative initiatives around those tools that promise to be as important than the Eclipse IDE for the development tools community at large.
- Slides
A new integrated development platform for STM32 embedded solutions: STM32CubeIDE
- Language: 🇫🇷 or 🇬🇧 (as preferred by the Program Committee)
- Title: A new integrated development platform for STM32 embedded solutions
- Speaker: Vincent GRENET (STMicroelectronics)
- Format: 10 minutes + 10 minutes demo & Q&A
- Synopsis: STMicroelectronics has released April this year a brand new product built on Eclipse so called STM32CubeIDE. This product is delivered for free on mass market to support STM32 MCU and MPU products, promoting to developers an all-in one multi-OS development tool.
- Slides: slides
Meeduse - a tool to mix EMF-based tools (Sirius, XText) with formal reasoning techniques
- Language: 🇫🇷 or 🇬🇧 (as preferred by the Program Committee)
- Title: Meeduse - a tool to mix EMF-based tools (Sirius, XText) with formal reasoning techniques
- Speaker: Akram IDANI (LIG / Grenoble INP)
- Format: 20 minutes demo + 5 minutes Q&A
- Synopsis: Execution of Domain Specific (Modeling) Languages allows to perform early analysis of a system's behavior and tends to reduce the gap between the model and the system. We developed Meeduse in order to make executable DSLs a powerful asset in the development of safety critical systems. For these systems, errors may lead to human loss and hence a rigorous development process is required. Meeduse, is an Eclipse platform that makes automated reasonings (by proofs and model-checking) possible for DSLs whose semantics are defined in EMF-based tools like Sirius and XText.
- Slides: slides
Eclipse Che 7 - New & Noteworthy
- Language: 🇫🇷 or 🇬🇧 (as preferred by the Program Committee)
- Title: Eclipse Che 7 - New & Noteworthy
- Speaker: Florent Benoit (Red Hat Inc.)
- Format: 20 minutes demo + 5 minutes Q&A
- Synopsis: Eclipse Che 7 has been released a couple of months ago. It will introduce the new concepts that are there like the new IDE based on Eclipse Theia, the registries, the devfile to share workspaces, sidecar containers.
- Slides: slides
Eclipse Che 7 - Move your VS Code extension into Eclipse Che
- Language: 🇫🇷 or 🇬🇧 (as preferred by the Program Committee)
- Title: Eclipse Che 7 - Move your VS Code extension into Eclipse Che
- Speaker: Florent Benoit (Red Hat Inc.)
- Format: 15 minutes demo + 5 minutes Q&A
- Synopsis: I will focus presentation on VS Code extensions and Eclipse Che. How to develop VS Code extensions from Che, how to package, how to consume and how to publish. I will also highlight how to pickup a pre-defined container with all required dependencies for VS Code extensions that need dedicated runtime.
Jupyter Notebook and Eclipse: do modeling with a script-based prototyping approach
- Language: 🇫🇷 or 🇬🇧 (as preferred by the audience)
- Title: Jupyter Notebook and Eclipse: do modeling with a script-based prototyping approach
- Speaker: Sebastien Revol (CEA)
- Format: 20 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A
- Synopsis: We will present our open source Jupyter Python engine built on top of Eclipse EASE [1], allowing to rely on a Jupyter Notebook [2] web user interface to tightly interact in Python with an eclipse-based environment such as Papyrus UML tool [3]. In practice, this approach allows to get the benefits of the richness of python libraries (science, data analytics etc.) and web technologies for user interfaces and data presentation in eclipse-based environments.
- Slides:
Digital League accompagne les entreprises de la filière Numérique en région Aura
- Language: 🇫🇷
- Title: Digital League accompagne les entreprises de la filière Numérique en région Aura
- Speaker: Emmanuelle Hugot (Digital League)
- Format: 10 minutes
- Slides: (no slides)
👨🔬 Program Committee
The following experts are in charge of selecting the technical content of the event among the proposed sessions.
- 🐪 Aurélien Pupier, developer of tooling for Apache Camel and Fuse, Red Hat
- ☁️ Florent Benoit, committer on Eclipse Che, Red Hat
- ⚡ Vincent Grenet, developer of Eclipse plugins/RCP application, ST Microelectronics
- 🎨 Laurent Caron, committer on Eclipse Nebula, developer of RCP application, Akuiteo
👷 Organizers
Mickael Istria (Red Hat Inc.) - General organization
Emmanuelle Hugot (Digital League) - Logistics, communication
Didier Donsez & Fabienne Boyer (LIG - Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble) - Room/Hosting