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Eclipse DemoCamps Kepler 2013/Beijing Thursday
Eclipse 展示营地 开普勒 2013 北京 (Beijing_Thursday)
北京 2013年6月20日
Intro 介绍
What is an Eclipse DemoCamp? | Eclipse 展示营地是什么?
这个是免费的活动为了中国开发员和在中国住的老外。 演讲用中文,英文都可以。
Location 场地
Address: Avatar room, 12th floor, B, Horizon Tower, ZhiChun Road 6, HaiDian district, Beijing, China (Line 10 XiTuCheng Subway station)
北京海淀区知春 路6号锦秋国际大厦B座12层阿凡达会议室 (地铁10号线西土城站)
Contact organizer if you want to join via WebEx.
Date and Time 时间
- Thursday, June 20th 7pm | 2013 6月20号 周四 7点
Compare time
See also Eclipse Day China.
Organizer 组织者
JVMs and Node.js User Groups (Java, Groovy, Scala, Android, JavaScript)
Paul Verest Paul Verest
+86 187 01029146, QQ 908781544
software architect at Funshion风行在线
Sponsors 赞助
This Eclipse DemoCamp will be promoted by the Eclipse Foundation
- Eclipse Foundation is a not-for-profit, member supported corporation that hosts the open-source Eclipse Projects.
Funshion风行在线 is sponsoring venue
If you or your company would like to sponsor drinks & snacks, broadband Internet for the event please get in touch with organizer.
If we have money left, we will return or donate to Eclipse (or next event).
如果您或您的公司想赞助饮料,零食 或者
Agenda 议程
Anyone can do presentation! Just decide on topic and contact organizers.
Expected topics:
- "Mobile Business Applications with Eclipse Scout", by Matthias Zimmermann, BSI Business Systems Integration AG (15-20min)
- What is new in Eclipse 4.3, Eclipse项目介绍(Jetty, Hudson,vert.x等等) (中文&English)
- "Eclipse Marketplace best stuff" (中文&English)
- Canceled - OSGi by Marcel Offermans,
- (Unplanned) Eclipse HTML5 IDE
Possible topics, speakers are needed! 可能的主题,需要呈献者:
- Eclipse 4.3 Kepler
- OSGi
- Eclipse Android Development Tools (ADT) project (中文)(expected)
- Eclipse JavaFX e(fx)clipse
- Spring IDE & STS
- Scala IDE
- e(fx)clipse JavaFX 2 Development and JavaFX renderer for Eclipse runtime.
- VJET JavaScript IDE (incubation)
- Eclipse RAP 2.1
- Eclipse Orion 3.0
- Eclipse JavaScript Development Tools (JSDT)
- Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
- PyDev Python IDE
- Node.js development with Eclipse
- Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform Project
- Any topic that YOU want
If you would like to give a demo, contact organizer. 如果你想给一个演示,请联系组织者。
Details | 详细信息
If you added your demo to the list above, please add a short abstract to this list so people know what you will be talking about.
想了解多一点儿?become co-presenter! 需要和演讲人活动之前沟通,跟多学会,准备一起讲。
Who Is Attending | 谁参加?怎么注册?
If you plan on attending please add your name and company to the list below:
- Paul Verest, Funshion Online
- Tony Funshion Online
- 黄达(Howard Huang)
- 宋晓明 炫一下
- 李关平(Jordan)数字天堂(网络)有限公司
- 武亮 (WuLiang)数字天堂(网络)有限公司
- 王安 数字天堂(网络)有限公司
Funshion employees (2)
Registered on EventBrite (6)
- 180714113 erlz nuo Jun 19, 2013
- X 180091509 tong gao Jun 17, 2013
- 宋晓明 炫一下 179909439 Crossle Song Jun 17, 2013
- 177998699 Amanda Amanda Jun 10, 2013
- 177332247 yin wei Jun 6, 2013
- X 177294435 gary yao Jun 6, 2013
Registered via BSCMG (4)
- KF Cheng
- Jinfeng Lin
- FeiHan
- Howard
在 注册,登陆,然后上面加加你的名字,公司(或者大学)
必须要注册. 不注册的话,可能进不去,因为场所有限。之前注册的有优势. (选择 register with email)
The maximum number of attendees (including speakers and Funshion Online employees) is 30.
For Bloggers and Users of Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, Weibo, Weixin etc.
In case you plan to blog or tweet about the Eclipse Thursday DemoCamp in Beijing, please use the tags #eclipse and #democampbeijingthursday in order to make it easier to find all the comments and pictures. Thanks a lot for telling the world about the event! | 请用#eclipse#和#democampbeijingthursday#标签微博一下。
Eclipse中国QQ群 321486747