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EclipseCon 2007 DTP Related Sessions
At EclipseCon 2007, there will be a number of sessions related to DTP. Below is a list of these session, grouped by type. Currently there are 16 sessions related to DTP planned.
- (3615) Building on the DTP SQL Development Frameworks: The SQL Development Frameworks in DTP provide a strong foundation for creating SQL tools. This tutorial will explore some of these powerful features.
- (3640) Enabling Databases for DTP: The DTP Enablement project is designed to host data source-specific extensions to the DTP core frameworks and tools. This tutorial is a great example of how to get started.
- (3616) Open Data Access - Extension framework for adding Custom Data Sources: Data isn't much good if you can't get access to it. ODA is consistently one of the most active areas in DTP, and plays a key role in the BIRT project.
- (3633) Building applications with WTP - Java Persistence API (JPA): The team working on JPA in WTP is an early adopter of DTP and has provided DTP with great input.
- (3672) Eclipse & DITA: Write Once, Use Everywhere!: Maria's team contributed user documentation to DTP 1.0, and they have a huge ammount of experience with the Eclipse help system.
- (3655) Intro Framework: Making a Good First Impression: Maria's team also contributed introduction page content to DTP 1.0.
Sponsored Talk
(4217) Eclipse DTP as a Platform for Rapid Innovation is a presentation by Ingres about their product based on DTP.
Long Talks
- (3878) Do you speak my dialect? Editing, parsing, and building SQL with the DTP SQL Development Tools: This is an exciting and important future growth area for DTP, and this presentation will be a great chance to get into the conversation early.
- (3902) Experiences of a DTP Adopter: From a long-time adopter of DTP, these lessons will be a valuable perspective on DTP in particular and Eclipse projects in general.
- (3682) The Garden & the Market: The Value of Eclipse Open Source: Open source is fascinating, and we're just beginning to understand how it meshes with traditional business models.
- (3767) Data-centric Development with the Eclipse Data Tools Platform: How to use DTP with language development kits in Eclipse, concentrating on Java.
Short Talks
- (4004) Enabling plug-ins to extend your application's data model: A very interesting application of Eclipse technology to the data tooling domain.
- (4023) Hey WTP, Where'd My Database Function Go?: For those migrating from WTP/rdb to DTP, this will be a chance to get tips and provide feedback to DTP in person.
- (3970) Database Table Manipulation plugins for DTP: The Jalcedo project has been doing some very interesting work with DTP, and is in the process of contributing functionality to DTP itself.
(3853) Following the Data: Eclipse Data Tools Platform: An open-ended discussion with DTP team members on the current state of DTP and possible future directions.
BOF Session
(4182) DTP BOF: Come meet members of the DTP in person for informal chats about and around DTP.