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Ebola Call Participants


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Current and Previous Participants on the Ebola Call

  1. Abdessamad Tridane, UAE University
  2. Ada Yan, University of Melbourne
  3. Alexander J. Jones, OperonLabs, NIH
  4. Bob Pinner, U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  5. Bradford Green U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Modeling Unit, Ebola Task Force
  6. Bryan Lewis, Virginia Tech
  7. Caitlin Rivers, Virginia Tech
  8. Carlos Castillo-Chavez, Arizona State University
  9. Chang Chang, Peking University
  10. Christian Althaus, ISPM, University of Bern
  11. Emma McBryde, University of Melbourne
  12. Ilan Rubin, Cornell/GATech
  13. Ira B. Schwartz, US Naval Research Laboratory
  14. James Mccaw, Murdoch Children's Research Institute and Melbourne School of Population and Global Health
  15. Jodie McVernon, Murdoch Children's Research Institute and Melbourne School of Population and Global Health
  16. Klimka Szwaykowska US Naval Research Laboratory
  17. Kraig Butrum, Skoll Global Threats
  18. Lauren Barthel, Operon Labs
  19. Leah Shaw, College of William and Mary
  20. Luis Mier, Johns Hopkins and US Naval Research Laboratory
  21. Manoj Gambhir, U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Modeling Unit, Ebola Task Force
  22. Martin Meltzer, U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Modeling Unit, Ebola Task Force
  23. Mehmet Gunes, University of Nevada, Reno
  24. Nic Geard, University of Melbourne
  25. Raul Andino, UC San Francisco
  26. Richard Stovkis, Cures United
  27. Sheldon Jacobsen, University of Illinois Urbana
  28. Sherry Towers, Arizona State University
  29. Stuart Nichols, U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Modeling Unit, Ebola Task Force
  30. Thomas Gift, U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Modeling Unit, Ebola Task Force
  31. Bill Tetzlaff, IBM Watson
  32. James Kaufman, IBM Almaden and STEM Project co-lead
  33. Joshua Weitz, Georgia Tech
  34. Judy Douglas, IBM Almaden and STEM committer
  35. Kun Hu, IBM Almaden and STEM committer
  36. Mary Helander, IBM Watson
  37. Mary Roth, IBM Almaden
  38. Matthew Davis, IBM Australia and STEM committer
  39. Melissa Cefkin, IBM Almaden
  40. Pat Selinger, IBM Almaden
  41. Rosalyn Hickson, IBM Australia
  42. Simone Bianco, IBM Almaden
  43. Stefan Edlund, IBM Almaden and STEM Project co-lead
  44. Zhiyuan Song, Stanford University

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