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EPP/Obsolete/Package Testing

Note: The contents of this page is obsolete, but it may still contain some interesting tid-bits.

General Package Tests

Before starting Eclipse

  • eclipse.ini: correct memory settings, any updates necessary?
    • Mac OSX: eclipse.ini in the correct place? eclipse/
  • configuration/config.ini: correct product (eclipse.product)?
  • plugins/org.eclipse.epp.package.PACKAGENAME_*/plugin_customization.ini: correct default perspective (org.eclipse.ui/defaultPerspectiveId)?
  • linux-packages: executable bits set on eclipse?

Running Eclipse

  • Start the package with eclipse -consoleLog and watch the console for error messages.
  • Try to start the package with a wrong JVM version, e.g. 1.4 or GCJ - does it tell the user about the minimum required Java version?
  • Does the package start with the correct perspective? (defined in the plugin_customization.ini of the branding plugin)
  • Does it contain all necessary features?
    • Are there any errors in the p2 dialogs?
  • If the package contains the PDE feature:
    • Does any plugin view show any errors?
    • Bundles that cannot be started?
  • About Dialog:
    • Does it show up with the correct version and build ID?
    • Any suspicious entries in 'Feature Details' or 'Plug-in Details'?
    • 'Configuration Details' - is the JVM running with the correct settings?
  • Open the Preferences dialog. Does it show any suspicious entries?
  • Create a new project and test it.
  • Start the Eclipse Help. Does it contain the necessary help content?
  • Try to install something on top of the package with p2 from the Simrel repository and check that Eclipse can be restarted. Is the correct Simrel repository pre-filled ?
  • Try to install something on top of the package with Marketplace Client. Check that dependencies look OK and Eclipse can be restarted.
  • Use an older EPP package and try if it is possible to upgrade this with the new versions from the repositories

Test Shared Installs

On some OSes (traditionally Linux, but installing into Windows 7 "Programs" is similar) it is expected to be able to install Eclipse as administrator and then be used by several users, where each user can make their own additions, preferences, projects, etc. For some history that emphasizes the importance of testing shared installs, see bug 322929.

  • In addition to the normal "single user" tests above, install the package as "root" (or Administrator) and then, as a regular "user", repeat many of the single users tests: install additional features from site repository, set your own preferences, create projects, etc.

Individual Package Tests

Automotive Package

  • EMF
    • Create a new EMF Project.
    • Create a new Ecore model in the created project.
    • Try to edit the created EMF model and see if everything is ok (e.g., Is the created EMF model corretly edited via the Property View?).
  • Xtext
    • Install the Xtext SDK from the Eclispe Release Staging Update Site ( This is necessary because the package contains as it should only the runtime plug-ins but no sources and no examples. When testing the package, the current Eclipse Release Update Site, e.g., is not up date in the most of time.
    • Import the 'Domain-Model' Example projects and see if everything is ok (e.g., try code completion and verify if errors are reported when typos occurs).
  • CDT
    • Create a 'Hello World' project.
    • Try to compile it. Check also if C project correctly compiles when using an Eclipse installation that has a location with spaces on its path.
    • Try to run it.
  • Sphinx
    • The automotive package contains Sphinx Runtime but not Sphinx Examples. Therefore, for testing purpose, install Sphinx examples from Sphinx interim update site (
    • Create or import existing example project(s) and test if basic Sphinx features, e.g., model explorer, form editors, model dirty mechanism work as expected.

CPP Package

  • Create a 'Hello World' project
    • Try to compile it.
    • Try to run it.

Linux Tools

See Linux_Tools_Project/EPP_Testing

Java Package

  • Create a simple Java project
  • Create a HelloWorld class and run/debug it.
  • Create a XML file and test the XML editor feature.
  • Is Mylyn present on the initial perspective?

Java EE Package

  • Create a new project
  • Is Mylyn present on the initial perspective?
  • Perform any or all of the smoke tests from WTP
  • Perform any or all of the smoke tests from RSE (need link)
  • Perform any or all of the smoke tests from DTP
  • Finally, use them all together :)

RCP Package

  • Create a small plugin project
  • Use the XML editor to edit one of the XML files.
  • Start the new plugin.
  • All source code plugins of the SDK available?
  • Is Mylyn present on the initial perspective?

Modeling Package

Reporting Package

  • Create a new Report Project. In this project create a new Report.
    • Is the report file correctly created with a ".rptdesign" file type?
    • Does Eclipse switch to "Report Design" perspective?
    • Is a blank report design shown in the editor?
  • Go to Data Explorer view, right click on Data Sources, select "New Data Source". Select "Classic Models Inc. Sample Database". Select "Next>" then "OK".
    • Is a data source named "Data Source" correctly created under the "Data Sources" tree in Data Explorer view?
  • In Data Explorer view, right click on Data Sets, select "New Data Set". Select "Data Source" (the name of the data source created in previous step), select "Next>". In the next dialog, type in "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS" in the query text editor. Select "Finish"
    • Does the subsequent dialog show 13 columns under the "Output Columns" tab? Select OK to close the dialog.
    • Does a data set named "Data Set" show up under the "Data Sets" tree in Data Explorer view?
  • In Data Explorer view, click on "Data Set" under "Data Sets", drag it and drop it onto the blank report design in the editor.
    • Is a table created with 13 columns?
  • Click on the Main Menu item "Windows" and select "Preferences"
    • In the Preferences dialog navigate to General --> Web Browser
      • Click Radio Button for Use External Web Browser and Apply
    • Navigate to Report Design --> Preview
      • Click the Checkbox to "Always use external browsers"
    • Click OK
  • Click the toolbar button "View Report" and select the item "View Report in Web Viewer"
    • Does the editor launch the browser and show a simple listing table with 13 columns and many rows?

Pulsar Package

  • Start pulsar. Check pulsar splash screen, default perspective and check if the mobile sdk views is presented with the registered
  • Import a JavaME SDK. Check if the sdk is imported properly
  • Create a MIDlet suite project with preprocessing enabled. Check if the project is created properly
  • Create a MIDlet suite based in one of the templates. Check is the midlet is created properly
  • Enter preprocessing directivies (//#) check if preprocessesing is working
  • Runs the MIDlet
  • Create a MIDlet Suite Package

Standard Package

Goal of the "Standard" tests is validating basic functionality on all relevant host OS's ... basically make sure that we don't look silly. Check for most obvious issues with git or MPC integration, and product branding.

  • Launch on a fresh empty workspace, walk through the Welcome page a bit - does it make sense ?
  • Walk through one of the JDT / PDE cheatsheets from Welcome
  • Look at the About dialog
  • Git clone / import some project from, look at history, do a diff - check Errorlog for any entries. Extra credit for build, branching, commit, symlinks.
  • Install something with Marketplace client - MPC usability is OK ?

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