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EPIC Participation Outreach, Recruitment, Survey
EPIC Participation Outreach and Value Survey
Transaction history
- Meeting July 17, 2006 Eric, Mike Skip generated the first draft of this document
- Members
- Non Members
- Visitors to EPIC
- Visitors to
- Producers of Eclipse Technology
- Consumers of Eclipse technology
- Members
- Non-Members
- Plug-in Providers
- Managers
- Developers
- Information visitors (non developers)
Participation incentives
- eMail to Members
- post to news groups
- Button off main page
- Button off EPIC page
- eMailing to EclipseCon participants
Tool to use for Survey
- Suggestion for using survey module as part of EPIC
- Use survey monkey tool
- Costs is $20 USD per Month
- Explore a question of the day for the and EPIC site
Incentives for audience to respond
- Make sure “your voice is heard” and is of value
- We are committed to post summary of results to site
- We are committed to send complete set of responses to participants
- Books, plug-ins give away
- Amazon give away
- Gadget give away
- Random select 3 individuals who provide plug-ins so they can be part of
the Plug-In of the day feature.
Preliminary questionnaire | Skip | July 20 |
Survey finalized | SkipMike T | August 1 |