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EPIC Council Meeting 06Sep26
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Attendees: Donald, Howard, Nathan, Ian, Maher, Mike T, Skip, Eric
- Donald reviewed results of EPIC survey
- Ian motions that the Themes and Priorities as sent Sept 26th
Mike T - Yes Maher - Yes Howard - Yes Donald - Yes Nathan - Yes Obstain - Todd/Jochen/Eric
- Summary - Increase Usability and Increase Member visibility
Proposed that we add a third theme and priority that we add a third theme and priority of adding a services/training component - Unanimous.
- Increasing traffic and adding Plugins is something that we should all be constantly striving for.
Working Groups:
- Motion that we find a place to organize specific usability
- Donald lead, Howard and David Rose on member visibility development plan + Mark Johnson + Eric.
- Google ads to be part of member visibility
- Usability lead with Nathan, Ian, Jens Eckle and Eric Clayburg.
- Integration with -> Mike Taylor, Nathan, Ian leads.